I think you are right about beginning with children and education about what conservation and preservation actually mean and their effects on our world. I do have a natural tendency to balk at the suggestion of more restriction and rules by government...not so much in principle as in the application by the criminals we have currently, and have had in the past as well. That is a whole 'nother can of worms(!) however it is what we have and will likely continue to have until we as a nation get back to God as a supreme guide and leader and realize, all of us, and especially our politicians, those of us in power, that we have a sacred duty to be good stewards of the resources we have been given, namely the world and all of its resources. Right now, and I fear for the near future, we are far from this, and profit and power and staying in office and maintaining power by whatever means....seems to be the order of the day, i.e. dishonesty! I appreciate your thoughts and the time you took to answer, but as long as government is composed of thieves and liars, and when was it not (?), I fear we are doomed. We need a course of action, and I don't want to give up, but I am a bit overwhelmed by finding a starting point! What we need seems to be a Godly nation filled with Godly people who live and practice the golden rule and do indeed, love their neighbor as themselves. There is a lot of truth in both of your posts, and I appreciate that you too, have given a lot of thought in the past to this issue. Honest, fair government could do a lot towards helping solve these problems, but follow the money and power and you have greedy people "minding the store" so to speak, and we all know what happens when you get the "fox to guard the chickens".
There are a lot of great posts on the forum this morning and this one is no exception:10sign:
I've got a lot to say about what I think it'll take to "turn things around", but none of it is appropriate for this forum, at least not coming from a "moderator"...........