

I have raised chickens and bobwhites. Now I am going to try some pigeons. Any big secrets? Will they breed naturally in captivity? If so, what kind of numbers do they produce?
Imo pigeons are the easiest bird to keep. Start off with a couple proven breeding pairs and in no time you'll have more than you can handle. Expect about 3-5 clutches of 2 chicks per pair per year. I used to have a pair of high dollar homers that were from a winning coupe, they were proven winners of 500 mile races. They were killed by the neighbors dog before they ever bred for me. If you get homers don't let them out until they have chicks or they will fly straight back to there old coupe. Good luck and have fun.:thumbsup:
I have some homers here now I will sell Jeff. I do not know how to sex them though. I have about 19 left. If you build nest boxes they will sort it out for you. Then once the chicks can fly you can let them come and go at will after that with the right coop. They won't be here much longer if you get my drift. Blue Bar racers. They laid an egg now.
I have raised chickens and bobwhites. Now I am going to try some pigeons. Any big secrets? Will they breed naturally in captivity? If so, what kind of numbers do they produce?

Pigeons are easy to raise. I use to race homers for years.
If you get older birds they will have to be prisoners meaning you can not let them out. They will lay all year if they have light. Great birds to train with cause you can use them over and over. I have 13 pairs of older birds and use there babys for training. Nice having 20-30 and gives young dogs a lot of action. I switch to quail for shooting and dont go back to pigeons after the quail start hitting the ground. Good luck:cheers:
Not only are homers easy to raise and great for teaching a dog manners, they are also a lot of fun. I can see how guys get hooked on racing the little buggers.