I didn't say state park lands, I said National Forest or BLM, they are managed by people totally different. Park lands are of course managed by the DOW guys.
From Chapter 8 DOW reg for FT and training of hunting dogs, "2. An annual dog training permit, valid for the calendar year, must be obtained by any individual or group of 9 or fewer people to release and shoot privately-owned game birds during training on Division properties where such release is authorized in Chapter 9 of these regulations. At least one of the named permitees must be present during such training activities. No permit is required for individual dog training by nine or fewer people who are not releasing privately- owned game birds during training."
So when you are using "common pigeons" on National Forest or BLM lands, you can do so without anything from DOW.
And you can use live birds on state parks with a special activities permit.
But again, this is not on a state park. I am talking about NATIONAL FOREST LAND or BLM.