Pick em

There is no way I lose with no points. We both have philly and the same amount of wins this week. I still have a 1 game lead on the year. Sorry coot you lose. Send me my underwear, just make sure it isn't the pair your wearing:D

if I were you I would take the pair he's wearing. he only has 2 pair dirty and REALLY dirty:cheers: and I'm sure he's wearing the cleaner of the 2. where do you think they get sonnys catfish stink bait from. his shorts are the original recipe.:D
Thats not nice BC:mad: I hate you as a brother:p You should have died from your sinsus problems:eek: You had the worst picks ever:eek: You know about as much about football as a viking GM:) And I woke up on the right side of the bed tis morning:)
Hey Coot, Packers are like what 8-7 and 1. You Packster fans owe the Vikings for the tie.
Ummmm, Aaron is somewhat good.:)
9,ers won't need much of a game plan.

Still I got to cheer on the Pack. :eek::confused::eek::eek: