Pheasants Galore!

Today was one of the best day's that we have ever had afield! At some moments we felt like we were in South Dakota! I had to see close to 100 pheasants today! Most would flush in the distance in smaller groups but it was a beautiful site to see and something that I had never seen before! Dugan worked amazing and never went crazy with all the scent around and stayed home and in range and would lock in on the roosters that decided to run and then it was game on! He did one heck of a job today!

Beautiful Birds with some nice tailfeathers!
Nice looking birds. Great pics with the corn backdrop. The dog and I are nearly rested and ready to roar off again!
Thanks! How has it been out by you this year?

kansas is going to be tough again this year. I will manage to scratch out a few I'm sure, but the drought really killed us. I did just get back from sd. It was a good time. Actually had to work hard for the birds which was kinda nice for a change. I am leaving again a week from thursday. Putting a new front door and storm on front of house saturday so my wife doesn't feel neglected too much:)
What a great way to spend a day! Lets hope in continues for the remainder of fall. Those are some nice pictures.

Did you see many other hunters out?
Thanks! How is Drake?

Healing slowly to slow a little training tonight and tomorrow night then I?m going to half to keep him laded up till next week. Except for a hunt test in Maryland Sunday hope he?s ok for that then if ok hunting pheasant next Thursday and Saturday can?t wait. He?s not liking the cone thing on his head but he just won?t leave his legs alone.Thanks
Healing slowly to slow a little training tonight and tomorrow night then I?m going to half to keep him laded up till next week. Except for a hunt test in Maryland Sunday hope he?s ok for that then if ok hunting pheasant next Thursday and Saturday can?t wait. He?s not liking the cone thing on his head but he just won?t leave his legs alone.Thanks

Let's keep our fingers crossed that he's ready for Sunday! I have a feeling Drake is going to do fine.
This season is shaping up to be one for the record books. I can't even begin to tell you how many birds Dugan has put up with in gun range. The only problem is, our hunts have been over early, but thats one of those good problems.
This morning "Halloween" was no exception. Dugan was on his game again and produced some birds for us early. I think I'm going to give him a break tomorrow, it's still early in the season.
100 pheasants? Come on now! Were you standing next to the truck when they released them? Were you in N.J. or PA? On state game lands? I have been hunting all week on state game lands in York Co. PA and up until today, have only flushed 1 pheasant! We have hunted 3 different state game lands. Today they released some at one of the places we have hunted, around 50-60 birds. We put up about 5 or 6 but only got 1 due to poor shooting. Not calling you a liar, but I find it hard to believe you saw 100 pheasants in 1 day on state game lands unless you saw them turn 100 birds loose.
Well Sir, this particular piece of property has had two in seasons releases and a youth hunt release. There is almost 100 acres of standing corn that most of the birds fly into right after they are released. The area recieves very little hunting pressure during the week. It also has OUTSTANDING cover on both sides of corn. This particular tract of land receives over 300 birds at a clip, being that it is one of the only locations in the area that gets birds. That's a lot of birds in standing corn, but they don't stay there! I hunt with Hollowwatcher and 100 birds during that day was a conservative estimate. We've been at this a long time and have no reason or desire to tell tales.
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Well Sir, this particular piece of property has had two in seasons releases and a youth hunt release. There is almost 100 acres of standing corn that most of the birds fly into right after they are released. The area recieves very little hunting pressure during the week. It also has OUTSTANDING cover on both sides of corn. This particular tract of land receives over 300 birds at a clip, being that it is one of the only locations in the area that gets birds. That's a lot of birds in standing corn, but they don't stay there! I hunt with Hollowwatcher and 100 birds during that day was a conservative estimate. We've been at this a long time and have no reason or desire to tell tales.

I have been at this a long time as well, since 1984. I have only hunted state game lands in York Co. and Adams Co. and have never seen anything like that while hunting. That area must not receive much hunting pressure at all! You are very fortunate to have such a place and it must be a well kept secret. Hope it stays that way for you.
Healing slowly to slow a little training tonight and tomorrow night then I?m going to half to keep him laded up till next week. Except for a hunt test in Maryland Sunday hope he?s ok for that then if ok hunting pheasant next Thursday and Saturday can?t wait. He?s not liking the cone thing on his head but he just won?t leave his legs alone.Thanks

Good Luck on Sunday!