I'm sorry. You do you. But I don't see how running around the yard w/ a wing tied to your waist will help a dog learn to track wild birds. Also, my experience has been that bird dogs need absolutely zero off-season bribery, simulation, or anything else to keep them excited about hunting. My dogs' excitement level, before we even leave the house for the first hunt of the year, is just as high as it was the previous season. They don't just forget what the commotion is about. In fact, my last 2 dogs, come about October 1, would start following me around at my heels on Saturday & Sunday mornings. Somehow they knew. I don't know how. But they knew the season was near. Ace does it now that the season has started. I'm guessing after a couple more years, he too will start doing it BEFORE the season starts. I'm sure my dogs aren't unique in this way.