Pheasant Scent - Best One


Well-known member
Hi all, looking to get some pheasant scent to use in training my young GSP. Trying to train her on tracking and also retrieving in tall cover.

So....what's the best brand scent that you've used or can recommend?

Thanks so much!

I'd use a real pheasant. I am not sure if manufactured scents are any good. Most shooting preserves will sell birds for training
I second real birds only. Head to a bird ranch and go for some birds afield if you can swing it. Otherwise, just wait until the season opens. BTW, how old is your dog?

Regarding retrieving in tall cover - does the dog refuse to enter tall cover to retrieve at present or is it that you think specific training is needed for such retrieves?
I second real birds only. Head to a bird ranch and go for some birds afield if you can swing it. Otherwise, just wait until the season opens. BTW, how old is your dog?

Regarding retrieving in tall cover - does the dog refuse to enter tall cover to retrieve at present or is it that you think specific training is needed for such retrieves?

To add

I would teach trailing in short grass. Later I would add short crossings of narrow strips of tall grass. You cannot train of you can't see the dog.

For retrieves. Throw the bird in tall grass about 5-10 yards from dog. If dog does good move back 5-10 yards and grow a bird to the exact same spot. Continue until you reach 100, 200, or 300 yards ( what ever you think). This may take a few sessions. Now rinse and repeat in a new spot. Now you can start mixing up the area of fall.