Wow, these field reports from fellow hunters are not encouraging, and to me they're even worrisome in terms of protecting the future quality of Kansas pheasant hunting.
If memory serves, my first pheasant hunt was in 1962 and the daily bag limit then was 4 roosters. Really, as long as I can remember the daily limit has always been 4.
HISTORICAL QUESTION: Has the state of Kansas ever taken the temporary step of reducing the daily bag limit on pheasants from 4 birds down to 3 or even 2 birds, as a way of shielding the bird population already seriously depleted by widespread hostile weather conditions and correspondingly poor habitat?
It wouldn't break my heart if KDWP took such a step this year. Only speaking for myself here, but as long as I've hunted pheasants I've been happy bagging just one rooster per day, any day I go afield. It wouldn't dull my enthusiasm for hunting them if the state reduces the limit this year, not in view of the horrible summer heat we've had (and are still having in many areas).