Pheasant Nesting


Active member
Maybe some of you can help me recall something I read awhile back! The number of hens that nest in wheat??? If I remember ,it was something like 70%???? do any of you recall seeing this?????
In Kansas and Colorado most hens choose winter wheat, which provides a secure nesting area, as long as there is moisture, and it doesn't get cut to early. Nebraska, most hens nest in alfalfa, but it's not very secure because it does get cut way to early leading to high mortality among hens and broods.
Lots of areas in pheasant country where Winter Wheat is not available. Spring Wheat is to late in forming nesting cover for the early nesters. Some later nesting takes place and makes marginal brood raising cover and food. Uncut mixed tall grasses and forbes makes the best nesting cover and brood raising. Lots of bugs, and cover.