Pheasant hunting video - what do you think?

that isnt hunting
That video's been hashed over pretty well on another forum. Very questionable ethics but IMO, it's difficult to determine from the video whether any hunting regulations or laws were actually broken.
For Me, I like going out there and working for every bird I get.:)

I'm glad you changed the title of this video on this forum to "What do you think? Rather than the title you used on the other forum. You won't have to use those defensive moves nearly as much with this title. I hope you are healing quickly!! :)
One thing that struck me as very odd with that video is.......What kind of pheasant would let you run up on him like that? I'm thinking that ain't no WILD pheasant.

My experience road hunting is that if and when you see a pheasant, by the time you get your s@##$% together that bird is over in the next county.
Good point. The pheasant eating gravel might be like a buck in rut, where their mind is on one thing. Pheasants minds probably turn to mush since they are in "guzzle gravel mode". They need it to take the gravel with their food, so sometimes I find it amazing how super wild birds with wild instincts will just do the "baby pheasant sprint" or do that "flatten move" where they just crouch down where they think you don't see them. You would think they would just fly down the road or fly away and come back. I always found that strange.
One thing that struck me as very odd with that video is.......What kind of pheasant would let you run up on him like that? I'm thinking that ain't no WILD pheasant.

My experience road hunting is that if and when you see a pheasant, by the time you get your s@##$% together that bird is over in the next county.

Good point Chris. Late season bird in the open field? Most of 'em are gone as soon as you stop your vehicle. Now that you pointed that out, I'd guess that bird had been winged by another hunter.
JMBZ, Yep, now that hunter becomes a "humanitarian" by doing the only human thing which is to dispatch the cripple. Landman is not going to be happy about the turn of events this story may have taken.

Webguy has a valid concept too. I have come across roosters hunkered in the fencelines and then they bolt out on a run as if they forgot they had wings.

Could anyone make out what else the kid was shooting at? I couldn't hear what he was saying?
Landman is not going to be happy about the turn of events this story may have taken.

Could anyone make out what else the kid was shooting at? I couldn't hear what he was saying?

I think he said "Hey Landman, watch this!" :D :D
I think the kid shot the bird on the ground through the car window while speeding by, slightly wounding it, then he jumped out while his dad skidded to a stop, meanwhile the bird ran across the road and kid chased it to the other side of ditch to finish it off. The second bird looked too big to be a pheasant and probably was a hawk of some kind. As far as I can tell...
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I think the kid shot the bird on the ground through the car window while speeding by, slightly wounding it, then he jumped out while his dad skidded to a stop, meanwhile the bird ran across the road and kid chased it to the other side of ditch to finish it off.

That sounds plausible Landman.

Hey Webguy, do I win a door prize for becoming a UPH Die Hard? How about an cap or tee shirt? Great advertising!
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Hey! I think a cap and teeshirt would be is in order.:cheers: