Pheasant Ecology - Effects of Hunting


On another forum, I've raised the question on a couple of threads questioning why States don't extend hunting seasons when bird numbers are high. Pheasants Forever supports the argument that extended hunting seasons would have no measurable impact on carry-over or future pheasant populations. Here's a few excerpts and the link to their article.

Are there any reasons for an earlier season?
Yes! Population loss is continual. Earlier seasons allow birds that otherwise succumb to predation or other mortality to be utilized for hunting recreation. However, the progression of crop harvest and potential for unpleasantly warm weather are important consideration in an early opener.

Does changing closing dates affect the population?
The argument has been made that closing hunting seasons earlier will prevent birds from being flushed from good winter cover into marginal areas where they are vulnerable to winter storms and predation. This may occur in some cases. However, because of diminishing returns to hunters as the season progresses, later season closures have a minimal effect on current or future pheasant populations. Simply put, fewer people hunt in late season and affect only scattered pockets of cover.

What is the effect of restricting bags?
Reducing bag limits will have little effect on pheasant populations. In most states, seasonal bag per hunter is only 2-4 birds. The only reason to reduce bags is to more equally distribute harvest among hunters. Considering the majority of hunters are active only during the first two weeks of the season, the effect of restricting daily bag limits would be minimal.


Accepting the PF position, what reasons do you guys think the pheasant belt States have for not extending the season, particularly when bird numbers are high? If they're not ecological, they must be political.
Because my wife can barely handle the 3 months the way it is!!! :D

Great points. Your comment about political... yes, always political. I try to stay away from politics because it tends to be a big circle. I'm all for changes and getting things done.
I think the problem with a earlier season is hot weather, and young birds just getting color. Extending the season would have no impact in next seasons population. Few hunters would participate, and what roosters that are killed would only help the success of Spring nesting hens.
Extending Bird Season

I think the reasons bird seasons are not extended are several:

1. Tradition - whenever seasons change people complain for all sorts of reasons because so many emotions are caught up in hunting

2. Costs - changing seasons increases printing, training, and personnel costs for the state government

3. Controversy Avoidance - lengthening seasons would give anti-hunting groups ammo for their causes

4. Impracticality - moving opening dates up can put hunters in areas where fall crops are still unharvested and increases the probablity of hot weather. Most hunters would rather wait for an opener with cut fields and a lesser chance of hot weather