PF who's a member?

Nice post D.B.

Dedicated member to a superb organization, no excuses to not join if you are a pheasant enthusiast. I hear a lot of excuses why people don't join and just don't get it at all folks. Downtown Bang's quotes says it all...
I have been am member since the 80's.
Hands down one of the best and most effective conservation organizations around.
A real grassroots effort.
I am proud to be a Pheasants Forever supporter!

Upland Hunter
You bet... Magnum Member dues every year. I hope that this thread gets anyone that may be lurking and reading the site to become a member of PH if they aren't already.
"Thou shalt always be a Pheasants Forever member" is one of the Ten Commandments of Pheasant Hunting, isn't it? :)
Just back from a Kansas PF Grassroots meeting in Hays, and I just want to say how invigorating it is to see the passion PF members have for our upland birds.
Ive been a member for years but honestly I dont think they have any leftover $$ from me with a $35 membership.
I am and have been for years!
Ive been a member for years but honestly I dont think they have any leftover $$ from me with a $35 membership.

That is very true. The $35 membership goes to operate national and provide the magazine. One hundred percent of the money raised at the chapter banquets stays within that chapter to be used on chapter projects.

The Kansas Grassroots Conservation Campaign is a separate fundraising activity to raise funds to hire Farm Bill Biologists that will work in strategic NRCS offices in the state of Kansas. Any individuals or businesses that would like to participate can contact either of Kansas' PF/QF Representatives.

This is from the website that is under construction-

The Kansas Grassroots Conservation Campaign

1) Provide every Kansas landowner with the opportunity to have an individual conservation wildlife plan developed for their property.
2) Begin to establish or improve 1,000,000 acres of wildlife habitat across Kansas.
3) Educate the public on the economic benefits of conservation programs and estate planning.
4) Reverse the declining upland hunter population is Kansas by providing Kansas youth with positive outdoor experiences and conservation education
I am a member. Wanting to become a Life Member, but need to come up with the cash to do so. I renew my Magnum membership annually, and have done so for 11 years.

I've been a member for years, but became a lifetime member last year. And I did it in my favorite place to hunt- Montana. I figure the additional $ will surely help more there than here in Michigan.
