PF who's a member?

I just rejoined. First joined 25 years ago and was a member for years, but let my membership lapse several years ago. Am now happily back in the fold.
Meeeeeeee tooooooooo
Was thinkin of joining probably will kinda got turned off after looking at the local chapters website and didn't see anything about habitat enhancement seemed like a social thing. Need to go to a meeting and see what they do or look into a more active chapter.
Was thinkin of joining probably will kinda got turned off after looking at the local chapters website and didn't see anything about habitat enhancement seemed like a social thing. Need to go to a meeting and see what they do or look into a more active chapter.

From PF website-
Our Model
At the heart of Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever is the unique grassroots system of fundraising and project development that allows members to see the direct result of their contributions. PF and QF empower county chapters with the responsibility to determine how 100% of their locally raised conservation funds will be spent - the only national conservation organization that operates through this truly grassroots structure. As a result, chapter volunteers are able to see the fruits of their efforts locally, while belonging to a larger national organization with a voice on federal and state conservation policy.
From PF website-
Our Model
At the heart of Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever is the unique grassroots system of fundraising and project development that allows members to see the direct result of their contributions. PF and QF empower county chapters with the responsibility to determine how 100% of their locally raised conservation funds will be spent - the only national conservation organization that operates through this truly grassroots structure. As a result, chapter volunteers are able to see the fruits of their efforts locally, while belonging to a larger national organization with a voice on federal and state conservation policy.

I understand what pf is about but I'm not confident the local chapter does much. Don't want to send them money for habitat and have them go sporting clays shooting and looking at their site it seems like what they do.
I understand what pf is about but I'm not confident the local chapter does much. Don't want to send them money for habitat and have them go sporting clays shooting and looking at their site it seems like what they do.

Your membership dues money actually goes to the national office where it funds the magazine, national operations, programs like "no child left indoors" and most importantly the lobbying work they do in Washington to influence the farm bill and its associated conservation programs.

The local chapters do keep any $$$ they generate locally at the banquets etc. to fund their local habitat projects. Important work that adds up to significant habitat improvement over time. In the big picture though it's the work getting done in Washington that has the real impact on pheasant/duck & other wildlife populations, soil conervation, water quality etc.

With work obligations and young children I don't have time be active in or belong to a local chapter. However I know my membership $$$, contributions I send for lobbying efforts and $$$ I send for Build A Wildlife Area programs have a definate positive effect.

PF is one of the most highly rated charity/non-profit organizations in the country. They run extremely effecient operations and spend the maximum amount of donated $$$ on the cause possible. If you do a little checking around you will see that some other wildlife organizations like NWTF & Quail Unlimited have had some serious questions in the past raised about their organizations management, board activities and how donated dollars are spent. In fact QU may be on the verge of dissolving because of their well documented problems.

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I've always had a hard time trusting groups like this in the past. I started college a few years back and learned how to conduct research by using trustworthy resources. I've found that QU was just what I suspected....fraudulent. They simply don't put enough money into habitat initiatives. I knew a QU regional "brass" (forgot his exact title) and he was always driving a fancy truck w/ a QU emblem on the side and went on several trips. The guy didn't even have a job and lived a very nice lifestyle. I never asked him much about his income, but something that I didn't approve of was going on I am sure. In the process of learning about these organizations, I've found that PF does actually do something with the money they recieve. My wife is getting me a lifetime membership this Christmas. Hope she hurries, I want my pheasant sticker!
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Member #1610680. Also a member of DU, NSCA, and more gun/hunt clubs that I can remember. :thumbsup:
PF Membership

Life Member.