PF Fest in KC March7-9

I've never been to one but will probably stop by for a day and wander around since I live in KC.

Any recommendations? Which day would be the best to attend, booths to stop by, etc etc.
I've never been to one but will probably stop by for a day and wander around since I live in KC.

Any recommendations? Which day would be the best to attend, booths to stop by, etc etc.
Check out the schedule online as there are different things planed each day in the way of seminars. Saturday will be the busiest day of course. I personally will be attending the Paradigm clinic on repairing and cut up/ quilled dog.

Feel free to PM me if you have anymore questions.
I've never been to one but will probably stop by for a day and wander around since I live in KC.

Any recommendations? Which day would be the best to attend, booths to stop by, etc etc.
If you're in a buying mood, sometimes Sundays you can get decent deals on stuff. Not all booths sell anything, but certain places will be. It's more of a trade show than a buying show, but I recall multiple vest companies had good deals and even better deals on Sunday as I'm sure it's less crap for them to deal with.

You also get more free stuff Sunday. I worked our breed clubs booth in Sioux Falls last year and walking around on Sunday, I got so much free dog food, treats and other little freebies.
If you're in a buying mood, sometimes Sundays you can get decent deals on stuff. Not all booths sell anything, but certain places will be. It's more of a trade show than a buying show, but I recall multiple vest companies had good deals and even better deals on Sunday as I'm sure it's less crap for them to deal with.

You also get more free stuff Sunday. I worked our breed clubs booth in Sioux Falls last year and walking around on Sunday, I got so much free dog food, treats and other little freebies.
You sir, know how to play the I do the same at my commercial shows as no one wants to haul safes home!!!
You sir, know how to play the I do the same at my commercial shows as no one wants to haul safes home!!!
I think Browning needs to sell guns at Pheasant Fest. They'd sell so many impulse buy guns haha I would have bought one last year if they did. Granted I had my eye on the gun they displayed for a couple years and ended up buying it a couple months later, but I know guys would impulse buy haha
I've never been to one but will probably stop by for a day and wander around since I live in KC.

Any recommendations? Which day would be the best to attend, booths to stop by, etc etc.
Ive been to five of them I think. Its not that large of an event. Walk slow and you can cover it all in a half day. My only dislike is that there isnt really a lot for sale. Just a lot of tire kicking.
I'd never been to one before and am admittedly not the biggest PF fan - took my nearly 11 yo son with me and made the hour long drive over to KC -- thought the convention center would have actual parking - but after about 15 mins found some street parking about 4 blocks away that was way cheaper than near the event.

Anyways going in thinking we'd breeze through it and be there an hour or two and go on about our day - we ended up staying and walking through everything and were there 4 to 4.5 hrs or so.- Son was really into and and lot of neat things to see -- my son stopped me as much as I stopped him to look at things. Ended up buying 2 pieces of art from the license plate guy -- one we were able to take with us - the other he will ship to me (Nebraska Husker's Logo) -- the pheasant will hang in my son's room.

Anyways was a pretty awesome day --- once I upload a couple photos I took - I'll have to show you the hypocrisy of the day

It was a "here's your sign" moment -- Bayer AG the poison peddler - with a booth set up next to 3 or 4 about pollinators and how important they are along with habitat -- I didnt talk to anyone at the Bayer AG booth as I guess I'm getting older and trying to practice more of what "Jesus would do" - they surely knew how ridiculous and asinine the scene was.

Other than that amusement - was a pretty awesome day -- was thrilled my son had a good time. Had some awesome burgers at Brgr bar or whatever it's called - we had parked directly across from it on our street parking so since downtown was so crowded, just let the car there and ate across the street.

In conclusion - I dont think this is anything I'd ever travel a great distance for - but if it's close it's worth visiting -- If it ends up in KC in 5 or 7 or whatever years again I'd go check it out a 2nd time. SHOT Show, SEMA and the Miami Boat show are 3 I'd travel for and I'm sure my son would enjoy as well.
I was blown away really, spent several hours and left with more than I came with. Well done, I'd travel within reason to check out another one. The KC sportshow has been a joke for years but this deal filled Bartle Hall with plenty of stuff to stay interested wandering around.
Went Friday, had a good time. Lots to see and check out. Just seeing all the different dogs walking around was great. Never heard of a Large Muensterlander let alone seen one before. Or a Viszla. Pretty cool event
I went to the one a few years back when it was outside Chicago when I was living in Chicago. I thought it was pretty cool and had a good time.
Went Friday, had a good time. Lots to see and check out. Just seeing all the different dogs walking around was great. Never heard of a Large Muensterlander let alone seen one before. Or a Viszla. Pretty cool event
Be careful around Vizsla's. They have the ability to read your mind and turn you into a virtual marshmallow.
I went on Friday afternoon and decided I didn't have a better way to spend $15, so I went back on Saturday. I enjoyed the show. It seemed significantly larger than the last one I went too. I have most of what I need but I like being able to look at what's new, pick stuff up and ask questions. A rarity in todays world of buying everything on line and hope you like it.
So did anyone spend 4 hours or less and see everything? Guessing that is not possible unless the Sioux Falls venue has more venders/exhibitors than other locations. If you are a pheasant hunter you will be interacting with folks in the booths that interest you. Hope everyone enjoyed it.
So did anyone spend 4 hours or less and see everything? Guessing that is not possible unless the Sioux Falls venue has more venders/exhibitors than other locations. If you are a pheasant hunter you will be interacting with folks in the booths that interest you. Hope everyone enjoyed it.
I didn't leave myself enough time in my day to be honest. I'll plan on that being my day next time and just take my time. There was a full lineup of speakers as well, I'd have listened to more of those if I didn't have to keep moving.
So did anyone spend 4 hours or less and see everything? Guessing that is not possible unless the Sioux Falls venue has more venders/exhibitors than other locations. If you are a pheasant hunter you will be interacting with folks in the booths that interest you. Hope everyone enjoyed it.
I got there on Friday around 1pm and I didn't get through it after stopping and looking at stuff frequently, so I decided to go back on Saturday. There were some booths I stopped at and spent more time than I wanted too and one or two speakers that I missed because of it but I got to see most of what I wanted to. If I was planning on buying a new vest, I would wait and go to this event. The major players were all there and it would be great to compare and get it there.