Again - I want to thank everyone for the input. What a great forum! :cheers:
This is a cross-post from the Nebraska forum. We (my wife and I and a friend and his wife) went out for the weekend to the SW part of the state (both wives do not hunt). I ended up NOT knocking on any doors as I was happy with the public access properties (similar to WIA in CO).
Hunted Saturday and Sunday, Saturday for most of the day, and Sunday just in the early morning. Saturday we put up ten birds (6 roosters and 4 hens) with three making it into the bag. Sunday, just my wife and I, put up five birds (4 roosters and 1 hen) with just one making it in the bag. Dogs did great - I need a little work...
Overall a great trip. I'd share a picture or two, but we lost our camera in a field. Maybe I'll get a shot or two from my buddy to share in a few days.
Awesome!!! :10sign::thumbsup:
Good that the better half got out with ya, now that's awesome!!