Paraquat and dogs health


New member
Hi fellow hunters!
I was wondering if I should be concerned about paraquat when hunting in alfalfa fields in California? Really dont want to expose dogs if all possible. Maybe it is no big deal but just wanted to check with our group for clarification.
Thanks Gary
Paraquat is only used as a defoliant. As long as it's now a seed field you should be fine. Although, it's probably what gave my farm and ranch owning grandpa Parkinson's.
I think it would depend on how long ago it was used. I won't use it because it is tough stuff. I don't want it on my land.
If it's an active stand of alfalfa, it will only be used to control winter annuals before the alfalfa breaks dormancy in the spring. Not sure when you are hunting but where I'm at, bird season would be long gone by spray time. Also, the re-entry interval is only 24 hours after application. if it had been sprayed very recently and the dogs ate a bunch of foliage I guess it could be a problem.

Paraquat has been around since the 60's. Used and stored properly its a great herbicide. Not dangerous at all, again, used properly.