Pairie dogs


New member
Was wondering if I head out for the first week of pheasant season and want to take a day off from hunting pheasants if you can shoot dog. I wasn't sure if they would be out that time of year.
It would be better if you called them "rodents"
Prairie dogs are rodents, not "dogs"
They should be out, especially if it's nice & sunny out. Bring a good rifle with a nice scope and have at it. I use a .223 and where I used to go (haven't done it in a few years now) the prairie dogs were pressured and wouldn't let you get closer than 150-200 yards, but most shots were 300-500 yards, and after shooting in an area, they'd all hide out for 10 minutes or so before popping back out of their holes again. Often times prairie dog towns are found in the same areas as rattle snakes, don't let it worry you but just use some caution and common sense.
Eastern part of the state they are pretty scarce. Especially later in the season when the weather turns cold. If you get towards the Missouri river breaks there are a few out roaming around. Never anything I have ever worried about though.
Are snakes something you need to worry about while pheasant hunting with your dog and while you are walking??

If east of the river, no. If west of the river, they are there but not anything to really worry about, especially later in the fall. Do people come across them, have dogs been bit before, yes. But the chances are very slim, just like everything you do in life there's always a small risk involved. When pheasant hunting you don't really need to think/worry about them. But rattlesnakes and prairie dogs often live in the same places, so it's just something to keep an eye out for when prairie dog shooting.