optomistic thought?


Well the forecast came out and it looks bad. Down fifty percent from 2012. But on the bright side we didnt lose a lot since there wasnt a lot last year to compare it with lol. So even though we lost 50% it really isnt that bad...it isnt like we are losing 500,000 of a million birds..it is more like we lost 50 birds of a hundred. So as u can see by my math it really isnt that bad haha...50 is far less than 500,000 lol. So chin up fellow hunters. Go out and have a great season of hunts with family and friends. Enjoy the time outdoors making memories.
Hey we will still be one of the top producers for pheasants! That's good news!

I didn't figure it could get any worse than last year but it sure did. Still isn't going to stop me from going and watching my little EP's do their thing.

Your math may be 'funny' to some, but not to me. This is how I see things anyway. Last year we did not experience any 50 bird flushes. The same will likely be true for this year. Last year, if we walked 3 fields in a half-day, we saw birds in 1 or 2 of them. I believe the same will hold true for this year.

My optimism for this season is directly related to the expectation that there will be less pressure across the state. I was just thinking while reading the forecast this morning that my boys and I should be able to go to some parts of the state and not see another bird hunter all day. We might actually be "in-demand" or become "person's of interest" at the local diners, given that we may be some of the only hunters some of those waitresses see all season.....this may lend itself well to finding new places and making new contacts. Though there may be fewer birds for the boys, dogs, and I, I will be thrilled to know I can pull up to the best of WIHA cover this year and maybe, just maybe, not see paths and trash in every one of them....oh, and quite possibly walk the whole damn thing w/o another group of hunters coming in behind me to "share" the field we're in:)

BTW, after this post I'm sticking with the pitty-me mentality on here. In fact, I may even delete this post b/c I do NOT wish to encourage anyone who may be on the "I ain't wastin' my $" side of this issue.
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Your math may be 'funny' to some, but not to me. This is how I see things anyway. Last year we did not experience any 50 bird flushes. The same will likely be true for this year. Last year, if we walked 3 fields in a half-day, we saw birds in 1 or 2 of them. I believe the same will hold true for this year.

My optimism for this season is directly related to the expectation that there will be less pressure across the state. I was just thinking while reading the forecast this morning that my boys and I should be able to go to some parts of the state and not see another bird hunter all day. We might actually be "in-demand" or become "person's of interest" at the local diners, given that we may be some of the only hunters some of those waitresses see all season.....this may lend itself well to finding new places and making new contacts. Though there may be fewer birds for the boys, dogs, and I, I will be thrilled to know I can pull up to the best of WIHA cover this year and maybe, just maybe, not see paths and trash in every one of them....oh, and quite possibly walk the whole damn thing w/o another group of hunters coming in behind me to "share" the field we're in:)

BTW, after this post I'm sticking with the pitty-me mentality on here. In fact, I may even delete this post b/c I do NOT wish to encourage anyone who may be on the "I ain't wastin' my $" side of this issue.


I see our great minds think alike. I am actually more excited about this year with the dismal forecast for that same reason. Less pressure. Less hunters. More field for guys like you and me. There is nothing like being able to just walk through a field slowly and enjoy the scenery..the dog work...the occasional flush of a rooster without worrying about some other hunter cutting across the field you are in.
BChunter ,you are right on! except 50% of nothing is still nothing. I have no question that most of you(us) hard core hunters will get into birds , especially later in the season. There is still Crp that did not get hayed or grazed and good cover. It will be tough going trying to hunt the Milo stubble this year just because of the lack of birds. There will be birds there, but it will be nearly impossible to find them in the large fields. Cover is better than last year and that will help the birds make it to the Spring. KB , this could be the year you and the boy's could have fields to your own and not put up with us interlopers as Carp puts it. I was surprised the chickens held fast and did not drop as bad as Pheasants. I will still buy my NR license and a chicken stamp and have fun!! I want to check out some areas in Neb as well. KB are you going for the youth weekend? Good luck guy's and take the time to have fun.:cheers:
BChunter ,you are right on! except 50% of nothing is still nothing. I have no question that most of you(us) hard core hunters will get into birds , especially later in the season. There is still Crp that did not get hayed or grazed and good cover. It will be tough going trying to hunt the Milo stubble this year just because of the lack of birds. There will be birds there, but it will be nearly impossible to find them in the large fields. Cover is better than last year and that will help the birds make it to the Spring. KB , this could be the year you and the boy's could have fields to your own and not put up with us interlopers as Carp puts it. I was surprised the chickens held fast and did not drop as bad as Pheasants. I will still buy my NR license and a chicken stamp and have fun!! I want to check out some areas in Neb as well. KB are you going for the youth weekend? Good luck guy's and take the time to have fun.:cheers:

Chad, your interloping arse is welcome in our state anytime as far as I'm concerned. I doubt many of the regulars on here are the ones who pull up and "help" us hunt the field(s) we've chosen for the day (and beat them to!).

YES, we will be out for the youth weekend. I'm thinking we might get a hotel in Central/North Central KS, charge up the game-boy/dvd player, and make a 2-day road trip out of it. I'd like to take the younger boy to the Garden of Eden one of those afternoons, plus I have a few WIHA spots to check on (look at, not hunt) for another UPH "interloper":D Point being, the location of said youth hunt is still somewhat up in the air. We'll probably do like we did a few years back and hunt 3 or 4 fields in 3 or 4 different counties, unless of course we hit the motherload along the way:rolleyes:
I'm going to come out to Kansas this year and Nebraska and I would have been there last year but a last minute colonoscopy changed a good bit of last year for me. I am hopeful of making some new contacts as kansasbrittany has stated above. I will hunt and hope, but I will still enjoy being there if I'm not successful. Maybe I'll run into some of you folks and say howdy. I'm not getting any younger and I want to enjoy what I can and watch my dog have some fun. I may be camping in some State Parks and sight seeing a lot, but it will be fun, just the same. It just feeds my soul, and I need it!
"Interloper", man I've been called much worse in my days; actually I kind of like the ring of "interloper":thumbsup:
Actually, I am the worst kind of "interloper" I am an out-of-state "interloper" and I just have to say in the last 16 years that I have been coming out to the wonderful state of KS to hunt birds, I have only been in one field that 50+ birds came out of. It was my first year out there and hunted with a group of 12 hunters; it was my introduction to KS and I have never hunted with an group of that size since. Then one other time I saw a small army of 10+ hunters push almost that many out of a field. Both fields were private. I prefer the small groups of 2-6 max (which usually includes a few youngins). I don't "hunt" for the mass bird flushes or fields where the hunting day is over in one pass. I like to hunt and that means all day so putting up a bird here and there is where it is at.
Yeah I will be there again this year to hunt and visit and spend time with the fine folks I have met. If things go well we'll jump a few birds here and there, put some holes in the clouds and maybe even have to carry a few extra pounds around for a while. When the day is done we will joke about the days events and enjoy some food, drink and a few cherries:cheers: and plan the next days hunts.
Will it be worth it; 7734 yeah! Hunted out there in 2002 when there weren't supposed to be any birds at all and that year I shot my first double and only saw one covey of quail in 4 days. From what my intell is telling me, this year will be as good if not better than last for both birds, at least were we will be going (....don't ask and I won't tell you no lies;))
Am I excited about going regardless of the forcast, well I am sure you can tell already.
Best to all,
The cherries were such a hit last year I'm going to have to bring 2 quarts; One for us and one for the farmer.:cheers:
Can't wait!
With bird numbers down and my kennels now with 3 hard charging, bird finding English Pointers in them you boys might as well stay home. The 4 of us will be like a tornado crossed up with a hurricane vacuuming up the fields. I have all the ranges covered with them. Close, medium and where are my binoculars, Rocket Bob just crossed the state line!

The lab will have her work cut out for her retrieving downed birds.

I may even break out the old grandpa V-dog just to walk along to keep me company. He will be 14 in January and can still hunt. Although only for a couple of hours but by gosh he still has the desire to find and point birds!

Regardless of birds its going to be a fun year for ole 66!!! :cheers:

Speaking of less pressure, the hotel that I stayed at last year just called me to ask if I would consider coming back again this year. Don't know about you, but that has never happened to me before.
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Speaking of less pressure, the hotel that I stayed at last year just called me to ask if I would be coming back again this year. Don't know about you, but that has never happened to me before.

Now that is different! They called you today and asked that? Right after the forecast came out?! I wonder if KDWP.......T:mad: is putting out a "KS upland hunter forecast" now for commerce:rolleyes:

Were they offering you discounts? Did they mention "tons of birds" when they called?:D
Now that is different! They called you today and asked that? Right after the forecast came out?! I wonder if KDWP.......T:mad: is putting out a "KS upland hunter forecast" now for commerce:rolleyes:

Were they offering you discounts? Did they mention "tons of birds" when they called?:D

They called yesterday, and all she said was that they had rooms available (But that they were filling up fast???) and they would like to have me back if I was planning on hunting out that way this year.

I feel bad because I already booked another place. I bet this is the first time years they may not sell out for the opener. Sad.
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They called yesterday, and all she said was that they had rooms available (But that they were filling up fast???) and they would like to have me back if I was planning on hunting out that way this year.

I feel bad because I already booked another place. I bet this is the first time years they may not sell out for the opener. Sad.

It is sad. My step-mom is a waitress in one of those small towns in one of our traditional pheasant strong-holds. Unfortunately, she's been unemployed (AGAINST her will) all summer. She usually does well when the harvest crews come through and when the bird hunters come out. She's disciplined enough to sock away some of her extra earnings during those seasons to help carry her through the rest of the year. Visits to W KS this season could be considered charitable; if that's the case, shouldn't we be able to write our trips off on our taxes:confused::D
I think is is all about what is important to you. Birds would be nice, but the whole package (watching the dog, meeting new people, small town America, spending time doing something enjoyed) means a lot more. I will find a bird somewhere to make the pup happy and everything will be great!
It is sad. My step-mom is a waitress in one of those small towns in one of our traditional pheasant strong-holds. Unfortunately, she's been unemployed (AGAINST her will) all summer. She usually does well when the harvest crews come through and when the bird hunters come out. She's disciplined enough to sock away some of her extra earnings during those seasons to help carry her through the rest of the year. Visits to W KS this season could be considered charitable; if that's the case, shouldn't we be able to write our trips off on our taxes:confused::D

how ya gonna help the lady if we don't even know the town, we need a hint, tha't coming from a guy that won't give you any gps stuff, but maybe i could leave a tip

I think is is all about what is important to you. Birds would be nice, but the whole package (watching the dog, meeting new people, small town America, spending time doing something enjoyed) means a lot more. I will find a bird somewhere to make the pup happy and everything will be great!
i believe all of that stuff but without seeing some birds at some distance, it ain't gonna happen. one gotta have the idea that he is going to have the opportunity to shoot something even if he doesn't

how ya gonna help the lady if we don't even know the town, we need a hint, tha't coming from a guy that won't give you any gps stuff, but maybe i could leave a tip


Hey Mustistuff, might just as well give the GPS coordinates to the "Honey Hole" of Kansas then if he tells you the town.