opening weekend luck

One thing I didn't like and couldn't get through anyones head is that is not a race to see who can make it to the end of the field first. Birds were holding pretty good and some even coming up behind us which is a sign to slow the hell down!!:eek::eek:
On Sat dad made me put away my gun at 8 due to me limiting out. then got the great pleasure of watching dad and my 2 nephews limit out and Little Turtle kill his first rooster with a 410. Proud day for me.
GCB how can you sleep at night knowing how many birds are out your way?:10sign:
turtle its easy to sleep becouse i know all the hotspots and I don't like to tell about them and blue your right peaple these days are to concerned with how many fie;ds they cover in a day instead of how thoroughly they cover the field
Joe I'm glad you had a good opener. We had a slow start but it was really good after lunch. It took me till 2pm to get my 4 in the bag. My first two were runners and we never did find them.
I had a great weekend. Limited out on sat and Sunday hunting alone. The birds got smart in just one day, though. I think that some of this year's hatch haven't quite developed their full rooster colors. I saw a lot of birds that were difficult to ID as roosters. This is the first time that I've had this happen.
I heard that about him, dont guess he will take me there either :) Well he might if I buy hima beer or two, guess I will just have to wait and see. :cheers:
boys I will take either of you 2 to a hotspot or 2 if you are around these partseven the one that serves cold beer
I heard that about him, dont guess he will take me there either :) Well he might if I buy hima beer or two, guess I will just have to wait and see. :cheers:

If he does take lots of shell you will need them.(not referring to your shooting skills, LOTS of birds)
I just asked my wife if I could borrow her CC for when I come,well lets just say she said NO,anyways I guess I can load up some shells and I can go by the piggyly wiggly and buy some beer to bring along. :cheers: I don tknow why I take the time to even email him as he is probably out hunting and guiding and making big bucks with tips and all. But someones lots ta do it.:)