Well, I finally ventured out yesterday to the endless miles of mudboggin! HOLY!
Tough day, but my new pup on her first hunt worked her arse off and I could not be happier! I just wish she could have been rewarded a bit more for her efforts!
It was tough finding some corners without corn in the WIA I checked! I found a couple together with great looking cover, but the corn still in, though we still took off! I will say, that the corn there must have held a million birds! Sounded like one huge chior of cackling coming outta there! Jumped a couple of hens and one rooster way outta range the entire 3+ miles! Not one trigger pull!
We were also close to some fields that I had great success at last year, but are no longer WIA!
We drove by them anyway, and as mentioned by others, TONS of birds all over the place! Dang it!
Finally found two more circles together with great looking cover all around and no corn, so we made a run for it again! Jumped a couple of hens right away and of course another rooster way the heck out there that I am sure we had nothing to do with.
Then as we were well past the 2 mile mark and less than a mile back to the truck, she rewarded herself! She too jumped a couple and got one in mid air and brought er back! It was a small chick! Could barely fly it was so young, so they sure must have had a couple very late hatches! It was unharmed so I praised the heck outta my pup and stuck er in the vest. As I sent her to hunt em up again, I snuck it back out and let er free to die another day
Not one minute later she is getting really birdy and low and behold we jump a good dozen chicks and again she snags one on its jump! Though this time she got it by the head and its own flapping broke its neck! Well, it was at least half a rooster so I kept it and praised the heck out of my girl for it! She worked her tail off all day and I was so proud of her! Though it was pretty wierd having two birds in hand and never pulling the trigger!
On the way back to the highway we scouted a couple more areas and in two different places we again saw large groups of chicks running everywhere!
Might not be able to get back out for spell, so it was at least good to get her on her first hunt and as well as she did I am one proud papa!
You can barely see the red starting around the eye and then these tail feather might win me the 'shortest' rooster feathers contest!