Opening day!


New member
Hello and long time no talk! How did everyone's opening day fair??? I went to public stocked land in Chester county this morning, beautiful fall morning. Birds stayed put for a little while due to nice frost; until more hunters came and really got things moving. My friends dog did much better then I did but 3 cockbirds were taken between the two of us. Great first day!
We had a great First day no-buddy crowded us and we even had three groups of guys hit the field below us twelve guys in total.. I said should we hit that field to my buddy an he said man all those guys just went through it. Then all of a sudden 16 hens flew up out of the field and headed to the woods of course I said see looks like South We ended one short of a limit my buddy's dad needed one more and we got back to the truck and one flew in beside the truck and I said let Drake out and finish your limit and He said that's not hunting why end a great day like that were done. My kind of guy..

Very nice!!! Sounds similar to wherein was hunting. A lot more birds were there then were taken but at moments it was like something out of a Dakota hunting video. I'm still trying to put pics up, but I'll keep trying!

Sounds like a good day for you guys.

I went out to load the dogs up and Nittany decided the warm bed was a better place to be. So, inside he went and jumped back in bed. I took Champ and Blitz out and it didn't take long for them to start working a bird. Blitz made a right hook and ended up going on point a little behind me. A rooster flushed and I knocked him down. The next point was on a hen and shortly after that I got my second bird from a wooded area.


The dogs found another rooster on the way out but today was his lucky day. I then went home to do some things around the house and clean up. I decided to go back out to look for some woodcock in an area that is very far from any stocking locations. It was a nice area that holds some promise.
Champ did have an unproductive point:

The scenery was nice:


I was supposed to meet up with some other guys in the afternoon to take them out but those plans got changed.

Good luck to everybody the rest of the season.
Had a great first day also! For her first real hunt Sadie did well. Flushed 4 birds...3 hens and a rooster. Only had a shot on one of the hens which we got. Poor shooting on the rooster resulted in us being one bird shy of a limit. I am proud of her. She hunted hard in thick terrain and never gave up. I learned a lot about her cues today too which will pay dividends later. When we were driving out there were 3 hens crossing the road. Seems like that always happens. Good luck the rest of the season!
What a great day! Three of us got five birds and flushed about six more, we also had a shot at a grouse. Good luck going forward.
:coolpics: Looks like the consensus is that progress being made over the last few years has continued this season..thank you game commission and pheasants forever..your hard work means so much to so many people. Hunting in particular pheasant hunting is so much more than the name entails and because of what you do enables some of us to become part of something much bigger than ourselves..a tradition of forming bonds that will last forever..I will be forever grateful.
None of us know what life has in store for us and to think there isn't a greater presence I think one would have to be naive.
We spent the pheasant opener laying to rest a devoted and loved friend that many of you have come to know. The fact that it was the pheasant opener was symbolic and just.
We will carry on without our four legged friend just like he would have wanted, but it's going to take a while ...
:coolpics: Looks like the consensus is that progress being made over the last few years has continued this season..thank you game commission and pheasants forever..your hard work means so much to so many people. Hunting in particular pheasant hunting is so much more than the name entails and because of what you do enables some of us to become part of something much bigger than ourselves..a tradition of forming bonds that will last forever..I will be forever grateful.

I'll second that!:thumbsup::thumbsup:
Sorry to hear. Everytime you enter a field on a cool morning and hear a cackle, your four legged friend will be with you forever. Here's to a great birddog and companion!
Sorry to hear about your best friend. I'm sure it was your most difficult opening day of pheasant season. Remember all the days afield together.
Man also so sorry to hear that so sorry for your loss remember the great times and I bet their were many. It's never easy they give us so much but have so little time.
Thanks for the kind words guys.

Now you guys go out and do what you love to do!
Spent about 45 minutes after work hunting with all three dogs. We moved three hens early, two wild flushes and 1 point from Nittany. Later, Champ and Blitz had a point and then moved on to work a running bird. Two roosters flushed wild but the dogs kept working. A few points, track and 30 minutes later we finally get a rooster from a wood edge. Later, Blitz had a point on a hen. Then all three dogs were working some scent when a guy with a single dog starting walking up the path beside me. He was walking towards me and I know he saw me before he started walking up the path. I told him it wasn't a good idea to walk towards another hunter up a path. I had to leave at that point anyway. I saw 4 hens and 3 roosters and bagged one on one shot. It was a good evening.


Get out if you can on Tuesday because Wednesday looks like a wet one.
That's a heck of a hunt in 45 mins.! :thumbsup::thumbsup: