Opening Day in pictures


Well-known member
6 of us hunted opening day. Went out with low expectations, got some shooting, a ton of good dog work, and a half dozen roosters and 4 quail. Sure beats sitting in my office at work. :)

Katy pointing a rooster here, my full choked 60 year old Ithaca 37 20 guage did fine work off the point. Surprised the rooster held for as long as it did for the camera to do its work-


Only busted a wing and dropped a leg, but Katy did her job and didn't let him run off-

Brother in law walking in on his dog Cain and my dog Katy, I think a hen got up here

Hen!!! Hen!!! Hen!!!

Look closely, 3 shorthairs on point or honoring each other, nice covey of quail got up, took 2 of them out of this covey and 2 out of another large covey earlier in the day-
Brother in law helping his dog Cain over the fence, he's been hit by the electric fence on the farm one too many times, refuses to cross any fence at all. As you can tell, nobody cut him any slack for this-

Another of several points for the day-

End of the day before heading home
Great pics! I hope your Brother-in-laws dog is one heck of a great dog in the field to put up with the ribbing from the hunting party:D
Great pics! I hope your Brother-in-laws dog is one heck of a great dog in the field to put up with the ribbing from the hunting party:D

He only half heartedly retrieves and points more than a few rabbits, but a better personalitied dog you could not find. Doesn't roam out far, doesn't bust birds, and when he points, he does it with flair. Couldn't ask for a better dog, and that doesn't even go into how well he is around the house with my sister, and niece and nephew.

Not bad for a $35 unpapered dog. It would be hard to tell how many pheasants have been shot over him.
great pics and thanks for the story. Its good to hear good news for a change. The last two days have been brutal for my dog and I as well as everyone else hunting WIHA around where we did.
D**n I thought my dog was cheap

Yep I rescued my Vizsla for $300 and could not be happier with her. Hunts great and is the best lap dog while she is recovering from the hunt days.
Still love those stone fence posts!!! Can't imagine the work it took to install all them posts!!! Thanks for sharing all the great pic's!!!:10sign::10sign::coolpics::thumbsup:
Four of us headed to Southwest Kansas and I knew things were bad, but you really don't understand until you see it with your eyes. There's barely any cover out there and there is no CRP. Too dry for even the weeds. We hunted private ground and did find one irrigated field that had a good number of birds and we managed to take a few. Seen some nice deer moving around and the coyotes are thick. On the bright side, the winter wheat is off to a good start and we did see a good mixture of hens and roosters. Even though the weather wasn't good for hunting, it was a great time and I'm in a great mood because it's hunting season!
Here a tailgate pic at 2:30 saturday. I will post some others shortly after I get them all from my artistic picture talkin buddies. I am too busy being a dog & kid handlers to take pics myself afield.
Dang Cheesy, can I hire yer photographer to tag along with me - those are some dang good action pics! :10sign:

That was me behind the camera. If the wife would let me spend the money I'd get a bigger lens for the camera to bring the action in a little closer. I regret not carrying the camera earlier in the morning when I was getting some good bird work right in front of me. For this 'action' stuff, there is no question that a decent DSLR camera is the way to go, beats a point and shoot all the way around. With the point and shoot you have to turn the camera on, let it boot up, let the lens do its thing, and then take the picture. With the DSLR, flick the thumb switch to turn it on and immediately start snapping pictures.
Kick Them Up and KansasGSP-

Looks like you didn't have any trouble with the birds, or at least made the most of your opportunities.

Sure love this time of year, and now my 2 year old is really knowing how to work the birds, just wish there were more out there for her to learn some more.
It is amazing to see the pictures from opening day! I don't ever remember shooting 6 roosters in one day unless it was at a pheasant farm. Love the pictures of the dogs. For me I enjoy watching the dogs work more than the shooting of the birds. Thanks for the pictures!
Opening weekend pictures, we had a good time. Bird numbers were definately lower, but it won't keep me from hunting Kansas this year.



