I just got back from Kansas Trip, where i started the trip in Colby then hunted Osborne, Saw birds in Colby, skittish but had shots on a couple roosters and bagged some Quail, Osborne is around the same, Quail is good, but honestly, this is the worst year I have hunted in 5+ years of doing my trips. I worked dogs hard (3 of them), and just didn't have much luck at my usual places, most are mowed down, habitat lost, and just sad to see. Think I am going to give Kansas about 1/4 of the time next year, maybe good for a day in Colby and a day in Osborne, but that it. 70-degree days and either 15-30MPH wind or no wind surely didn't help. Very different from SD where I limited out by noon ditch hunting. Farmer said Osborne and Colby had 100+ degrees days this summer with limited water and high winds, which killed anything and everything cover-wise.