one week and counting


New member
I don't know about you all, but I'm as antsy as all get out for sept. 1 and dove season. 6 days and a wake up. I've been watching flocks of white-winged doves flying sky high headed south for the last week and I got the bug bad.:cheers:
I don't know about you all, but I'm as antsy as all get out for sept. 1 and dove season. 6 days and a wake up. I've been watching flocks of white-winged doves flying sky high headed south for the last week and I got the bug bad.:cheers:

I know that's right. My wife called this morning to tell me she'd let the Duke dog out for his morning pee and she could tell he felt fall in the air. He doesn't like the heat and he's normally a tad lazy...he's just not the type to run unless there's something to chase. Anyway, she said he made 3 big laps around the yard like he was running for his life, then came in and licked her up and down. Me and the boys had the shotguns out last night so maybe that had something to do with it. Then again, it already smells like football season out there to me, so I can only imagine how many of nature's indicators his wiffer picks up.

I thank God for letting me stick around for another fall:)
Very itchy trigger finger here.
I don't know how but the dogs know just as well as us that its that time of year. Can't next Thursday come any faster?
Sounds like you guys have OCDD (Obsessive Compulsive Dove Disorder). The cure is a case by case basis. Some people need just a single case of 10 boxes to cure the illness. Others need several cases. It's a recurring illness that strikes yearly. Once you have it, it's forever like luggage. :cheers:
Sounds like you guys have OCDD (Obsessive Compulsive Dove Disorder). The cure is a case by case basis. Some people need just a single case of 10 boxes to cure the illness. Others need several cases. It's a recurring illness that strikes yearly. Once you have it, it's forever like luggage. :cheers:

You got us pegged with that one Op.:cheers:
Onpoint OCDD .................. YUP that's what it is. Then it turns into OCQD and OCPD.......LOL:D