One animal

Pheasant, I love the time with my dog watching him work. I am also excited about seeing my new pup work this fall. Nothing like time spent between a man and his dogs.
I've hunted the majority of big game animals in the US and also most of the birds (both upland and waterfowl). There is no doubt in my mind that it would be pheasants. While my passion for hunting other critters has deminished, my passion to be in the field with my dogs pursuing pheasants has never waivered and only grown stronger.
I have been hunting for 55 years. I started with Pheasant and I have hunted most everything I ever wanted to hunt. Big game and Small Game, But like George, my passion is still with the pheasant. I do think Tony and my other Brits through the years have a lot to do with it. They have always kept the pheasants interesting for me........Bob
I am guessing that almost everyone, less a few, will say pheasants me included. Was not always that way. I became addicted after I got my dog.
Depends on the time of year. I really like going after Sharpies in Sept. Oct is Pheasants. November is Mulies West and WT's at home.
If I had to choose?? DANG I love hunting roosters with a good bird dog.:thumbsup:
I'm with Moeller. Years ago it would've been deer but since having a dog of my own, that I trained myself, it would have to be pheasants. Choosing just one is hard tho. Can I just say birds in general?
although i love to watch the dogs work and enjoy pheasant hunting i would have to say turkey hunting,nothing better that the thundering gobbles waking up the woods on a spring morning and finally getting him with in gun range and in some cases with in feet, and he bust off a thunderous gobble that'll shake you to the core and about make you mess your pants and heart jump out of your chest.
If there were sufficient amounts a lots of access I would say pheasants. They are beautiful birds, smart, and you can see them when they flush.

... But since they're pretty darn limited in MI, I'd have to say grouse. They are just as smart as pheasants, not quite as colorful though, but the access is so much better it overcomes the fact that often you'll only hear them flush - not always see them.
I have a split personality, so on one side I like duck hunting to watch ducks lock up and bust through branches in the timber and watch my dog that I helped trained retrieve down birds though the forest in Southern IL. and watching him jump off the side of the our duck boat and swim through decoys to retrieve downed birds.

on the other hand I am new to pheasant hunting, but I love watching the dog work and getting that adrenalin surge when a rooster pops out a very small patch of grass.

It's hard choice but duck hunting is my answer right now, but Pheasant hunting is creeping up there........ good question ZEB :thumbsup:
Used to be quail, but after getting a little more into the pheasant hunting, I realized that quail fly way too fast and there seems to be fewer of them...So, pheasant it is!!!
If you could only hunt one animal what would it be. Mine would be pheasant because there are lots of them.

animal would be bears

bird would be ruffed grouse/pheasant-too close to pick one. pheasants are fun but grouse is just so quiet, peaceful and relaxing. In the woods alone with the dogs is almost heaven(I imagine)
GRIZZLY BEAR! Nothing like hunting something, that can hunt you back!!!!:eek: