oh crap i cant believe that happened moments


New member
all right guys time to start a new thread. i need to have some new laughs capt cootie has been pretty boring lately. any of you guys had a funny Oh Crap I Cant Believe That Happened moment. i will start it out. tonight i was working at the man shack on my garden sprayer. i was grinding a piece of metal when holy hell broke loose. the sparks seemed to be attracted to some highly flammable objects. i always have some fireworks on the bench and the sparks set of a couple strings of firecrackers. man that will test your sphincter control. ears are still ringing. glad the rockets were on the top shelve.
You never were too good in the shop blackcloud:p Well mine just happened tonight got bored so decided to go golfing. Went to close the roller door on shed and some how got my fingers on my right hand caught in the seam of the roller door:(2 1/2 finger nails blue and a couple fingers hurting real bad from the knuckles ups. Did try to golf didn't work so good.
I have had a boring weekend compared to you guys. You 2 get all the excitement.:eek:
The only thing notable was that my pup got a good dose of skunk, I gave her a bath. Took her home. Wife sez "Put her in the kennel"
I sez "heck:rolleyes: would you have put one of you other children in the kennel"?:eek:
So we give her another bath in the bathtub shampoo and the works. :) Still stinks to much for our bedroom but she got the hallway.:cheers:
Oh crap; it just happened...I can't believe I've read and replied to this thread...:D; just kidding bc, but I hope I got a smile out of you!
Too much wildlife in my backyard. Took my dog out for some backyard retrieving yesterday eve & somehow wound up directly in between a couple elk & a deer, throwing dummies out to the sides away from them trying not to have the dog disturb by running right at 'em...Deer finally left, so I threw a triple mark - but by the time I finished, the cow & her calf between me & the house had slowly grazed their way right on top of the first mark. Stupid me sent the dog anyway (half just to see what would happen)...Turned out pretty funny - had to whistle like a wild banshee to call the dawg off & save his hide - 'Chance' was locked-on making the retrieve & coming back with that dummy, even while mama chased him around in circles, hell-bent on splitting his head wide open with those flailing front hooves...good thing he listens well & I still have some control even under the most exciting of circumstances - WHEW, Close Call!!! :10sign: :D :cheers:

Wish I woulda had a video camera handy to record the experience. I was laughing my @$$ off, even while holding my breath & praying he would not bring her in tow charging right at me... :p
Well it's going great today:thumbsup: Let my nephew go test my fishing boat out. It's just a V bottum with a 20hp motor thats only been used 3 times. All the times I told him to hook the chains up you think once he would listen but no. I get the call uncle your boat in the refuge:mad: I ask did you hook the chains up? No:mad: Three guys got to hear me chew his a$$. They proablly think I'm mean but how many times can a guy take it? One driver said it flew like 50 ft in the air and landed so nice in the water. Motors ok but boat and trailer got some probelms. It'll make a good duck boat:thumbsup: Now I got to find another fishing boat.

He did catch a fish because theirs a dead blue gill in the boat. What you think that fish was thinking when it seen a boat dropping on him:D Any thoughts on how fast he was driving? I remember being young.
holy crap benneliboy. i wouldnt want my a$$ chewed by an old navy seabee. you probably need a 5 # rump roast and a needle and thread to do an a$$ transplant after that.:eek: glad no one got hurt.
To paraphrase an old, insightful, saying:

Wreck my boat once,
Shame on you.

Wreck my boat twice,
Shame on me.

Sometimes I think family is one way that gawd
puts a governor on our engines.
