Off Topic - Scent Usage for Post-Rut Whitetail


Super Moderator
Apologies first for posting another "off topic" thread. I realize this is primarily an upland game forum, but it's the most active forum I visit. Many of the people who frequent the board are residents, so I thought I could get some good input from the members here.

There's been discussion of a semi "trickle rut" in Kansas this year. If this hypothesis is correct, would it benefit a person to use estrous scent instead of a cover scent, or a combination of the two?

Any tips or suggestions regarding scent usage would be appreciated! :cheers:

I have been hunting this week and from what I see in NE kansas ( bucks chasing does and fighting) they are still rutting...I am using doe estrus as a cover scent since I believe it might lure in a buck I am looking for. My two cents. Good Luck!
I have been hunting this week and from what I see in NE kansas ( bucks chasing does and fighting) they are still rutting...I am using doe estrus as a cover scent since I believe it might lure in a buck I am looking for. My two cents. Good Luck!

Thank you for the input sir. I haven't seen much activity during the day at all, and I'm hunting just to the Northwest of Tonganoxie. But, I suppose using estrus couldn't hurt at all... probably gonna have to pick some up at Cabela's on my way back out there this afternoon.

Wednesday and Thursday I just sprayed myself and my gear down with a good dousing of Scent Away, and put up some of the Hunter's Specialties cover scent wafers around the blind. I think today I'll hunt out of the blind, next to a tree, and use some of the estrous as well.
Not exactly answering your question, but----

Last year dad hadn't seen anything for a couple of days. He got a wafer and put some estrous scent on it, hung it on a stick in the middle of the bean field he was hunting over. A couple hours later there were four bucks come from downwind, and they ran right to the wafer. He shot the biggest of the 4.
Not exactly answering your question, but----

Last year dad hadn't seen anything for a couple of days. He got a wafer and put some estrous scent on it, hung it on a stick in the middle of the bean field he was hunting over. A couple hours later there were four bucks come from downwind, and they ran right to the wafer. He shot the biggest of the 4.

I think you did an excellent job answering my question sir, thank you!
I have an oldtimer bud of mine who's hunted deer for 50 years and he always used a little plain ammonia as a cover and attractant and I swear deer will actually come sniffin for it. He made a believer outta me after I used it a few times. Costs $1-2 for a quart. I swear by it now.
I have an oldtimer bud of mine who's hunted deer for 50 years and he always used a little plain ammonia as a cover and attractant and I swear deer will actually come sniffin for it. He made a believer outta me after I used it a few times. Costs $1-2 for a quart. I swear by it now.

That's because urine breaks down into ammonia naturally ;)

Went out this afternoon and placed a little estrous scent away from my spot, and used Red Fox urine as a cover scent. Didn't see a damn thing... at times I wonder why I deer hunt. If you get skunked bird hunting, at least you get to walk around.