Off Season Fun !

I belong to a hunt club so I'm still running dogs at the preserve. Scratch hunting one day during the week mostly. Other than that I'll be starting up the season shooting Sporting Clays, both leagues and competition, which goes from March thru August. I also volunteer to coach youth leagues at my local Sporting range from April thru June.
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Cross country skiing, snowshoeing, hiking over the winter. Maybe a tropical vacation week if the wife wants to get away, but Pearl the wonderdog and I are happier in the Canadian cold. Brook trout and striped bass fishing. Scallop diving, canoeing, backwoods camping. Usually a fishing trip with the boys to northern Quebec or Labrador to escape the heat of summer. Climb tree with a bow and arrow in September to try to get a whitetail in the freezer before pheasant opens October first, then around and around we go. Ain’t life grand?! ��