Not being disrespectful towards anyone one or anything.


New member
So I was on a waterfowl hunt early this year in northeast Nebraska at a blind I was invited to. Long story short this guy in his 40's was bashing on bird hunting. Me being a calm person and respectful Marine I just sat there and talked to the other guys in the blind. What I'm getting to is he said how easy and pen released birds are and not really wild. Well little did that guy know them ducks hunters are freaking out on DU website cause a lot of them didn't do well this year on ducks. Well I also hope that guy knows there's a thing called the mallard release program. So here's to you mister big duck hunter how are your released DUCKS doing now. Long live the Upland Hunter....
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I've heard of it not very successful. Really stupid if you ask me. I figure you shoot a lot of tame mallards look at all of them being feed at the lake resorts not real wild:D That's why I like woodducks and teal hard to hit:D:) Geese could be put into the tame bird category too. pheasant seem to be released on a grand scale:eek: Hunted both ways loved both:thumbsup:
they do that at some high dollar clubs on the east coast too...I don't understand it either
tame mallards

i believe that the ducks are trapped off a pond or at least an area, brought to a holding pen, then half starved. they are then released according to the number of birds purchased. the birds then fly directly to their feeding area and get shot at. probably as sporting as driven hunts.

There have been Mallard release programs. Growing up in New England back in the '60's, we never or virtually never saw Mallards. All we saw along the coast were Black Ducks. Somewhere along the line, people dicided it would be a good idea to release Mallards so they would have more of the "pretty" ducks to shoot. Worked really great. Mallards started taking over the Black Duck habitat and now the wary and native Black Duck is struggling. When they cross breed, the young look like Mallards. True pure Black Duck numbers are dwindling.
There have been Mallard release programs. Growing up in New England back in the '60's, we never or virtually never saw Mallards. All we saw along the coast were Black Ducks. Somewhere along the line, people dicided it would be a good idea to release Mallards so they would have more of the "pretty" ducks to shoot. Worked really great. Mallards started taking over the Black Duck habitat and now the wary and native Black Duck is struggling. When they cross breed, the young look like Mallards. True pure Black Duck numbers are dwindling.

you got a little bit of this right. early in the 50's it was rare to see a greenhead in vt. and n. h.. late in the 50's the greenheads started showing up and before long they dominated. i don't believe that for one second that the release programs had anything to do with it. the greenhead is a more aggressive, albiet dumber duck than the black, it was already spreading rapidly. they do cross breed but the off spring i believe are sterile. the decline of the black duck was pollution both along the coast and inland water ways, the greenhead has just proven to be more adaptable as a survivor. black numbers are on their way down but the last several years have leveled off. as a kid, they were the duck of choice, true, to see a green head was exciting but it was the blacks we were after

Mallards are SO adaptable.

Anyone been to Venice Beach or Disneyland?

Like so many places, right in the middle of insane human activity.

Ducks everywhere, what species? Mallards, Greenheads.

Not only LA, everywhere, Mallards do VERY well with humans and human activity. Good/bad, ?
They do adjust, some wild life species will flourish, with human incroachment most won't.:(
All I saw at Disneyland was a white duck named Donald. Mallards ARE adaptable, however . . . I've seen them in ornamental fountains in town.
Yes there are resident ducks and geese that are a huge problem in several places around the country. Golf courses urban ponds and lakes and more. THis is some thing that has been going on for a very long time. I don't know, what can be done for it.
they have all , they need, and they don't get shot, at in these places. Maybe they got smart. LOL:D
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