Northern MO Turkey Hunts For Sale

Hey y'all, its winter so I figured now is a good time to get this out here. My dad owns a property in Northern Missouri just northwest of Kirksville. 341 acres of ag and mixed timber. He's looking to sell some turkey hunts on it. There is a cabin with heat, electricity, and running water. He's looking to sell 2-4 hunts for 950 a person. Licenses are not included but lodging like stated earlier is provided. If anyone is interested then shoot me a pm and i'll send you his #.

Hey y'all, its winter so I figured now is a good time to get this out here. My dad owns a property in Northern Missouri just northwest of Kirksville. 341 acres of ag and mixed timber. He's looking to sell some turkey hunts on it. There is a cabin with heat, electricity, and running water. He's looking to sell 2-4 hunts for 950 a person. Licenses are not included but lodging like stated earlier is provided. If anyone is interested then shoot me a pm and i'll send you his #.

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I will not pay you, but I will hunt.
You should advertise in your local paper. Doubt anyone here is the least bit interested in paying 950 for a Turkey lol. That’s just crazy!