Blue: Your opinions, and those of like-minded people like you, mystify me. Since Obama has been President the Congress has passed a budget every year, as they are required to do by law. Obama's minion, Harry Reid, has not let one of those budgets come to the Senate floor for even a debate, much less a vote. In the meantime, Obama has submitted budgets. Each one has received ZERO votes in both houses! Not even one member of his own party voted for his budgets. Not one. How's that bipartisan politics for you?
The Farm Bill continues to stall because of controversies over the food stamp program. Some in Congress want to pull food stamps out of the farm bill, pass the rest, and then tackle the food stamp issue separately. What's so small-minded about that?
I work in the hardwood lumber business. A competitor of ours went under a couple years ago with $162 million in debt, $60 million in assets. While under receivership the owners siphoned millions from the company and I expect they'll eventually see some jail time. The bank ended up selling the assets at $10-$12 million at auction. This is a microcosm of the shape our government is in. They're spending more than is coming in at an alarming rate and the people in control are all corrupt, Republican and Democrat alike. Then those who wish to reign in the out of control spending are vilified.
Companies in Europe can't borrow money to finance their businesses and so their economy is stagnant. There's no money to borrow because their governments are broke after out of control spending on socialist entitlements. Is this what you wish for us, too?