No New Farm Bill (again) - What's Next?

So by your theory we should bet rid of hunting because people cheat at this also? LOL

The tea party will always loose... know why because they are a small group of small minded people who are willing to believe anything they hear.. Must be horrible to be that angry everyday and living in the best country in the world and they cant stand it?;)

All I have to say about this stupidity....

In my opinion the small minded people are the ones that think you can borrow 40 cents of every dollar we spend into infinity. But you keep your head in the sand and your butt in the air and see how that works out. In the mean time it is pheasant season, so here is hoping you have a good season. We should be able to agree on that.
Amen, Dennis.

Care to advance a forecast for opening day? Are there lots of crops still up in your area?

Have a great season...

Hi Jon, harvest has stopped the ground is soaked. There are lots of beans still out and most of the corn is standing. The standing crops will make it tougher. Where there is cover there will be birds, but I assmue we are down some too. I hear birds at sundown and see birds when I am working, many late birds. I think we will have a good hunt opening weekend. I think this year will test us, maybe seperate the hunters from the shooters. One more thing, please be considerate when you are driving on the muddy back roads, thanks.
Blue: Your opinions, and those of like-minded people like you, mystify me. Since Obama has been President the Congress has passed a budget every year, as they are required to do by law. Obama's minion, Harry Reid, has not let one of those budgets come to the Senate floor for even a debate, much less a vote. In the meantime, Obama has submitted budgets. Each one has received ZERO votes in both houses! Not even one member of his own party voted for his budgets. Not one. How's that bipartisan politics for you?

The Farm Bill continues to stall because of controversies over the food stamp program. Some in Congress want to pull food stamps out of the farm bill, pass the rest, and then tackle the food stamp issue separately. What's so small-minded about that?

I work in the hardwood lumber business. A competitor of ours went under a couple years ago with $162 million in debt, $60 million in assets. While under receivership the owners siphoned millions from the company and I expect they'll eventually see some jail time. The bank ended up selling the assets at $10-$12 million at auction. This is a microcosm of the shape our government is in. They're spending more than is coming in at an alarming rate and the people in control are all corrupt, Republican and Democrat alike. Then those who wish to reign in the out of control spending are vilified.

Companies in Europe can't borrow money to finance their businesses and so their economy is stagnant. There's no money to borrow because their governments are broke after out of control spending on socialist entitlements. Is this what you wish for us, too?
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Blue: Your opinions, and those of like-minded people like you, mystify me. Since Obama has been President the Congress has passed a budget every year, as they are required to do by law. Obama's minion, Harry Reid, has not let one of those budgets come to the Senate floor for even a debate, much less a vote. In the meantime, Obama has submitted budgets. Each one has received ZERO votes in both houses! Not even one member of his own party voted for his budgets. Not one. How's that bipartisan politics for you?

The Farm Bill continues to stall because of controversies over the food stamp program. Some in Congress want to pull food stamps out of the farm bill, pass the rest, and then tackle the food stamp issue separately. What's so small-minded about that?

I work in the hardwood lumber business. A competitor of ours went under a couple years ago with $162 million in debt, $60 million in assets. While under receivership the owners siphoned millions from the company and I expect they'll eventually see some jail time. The bank ended up selling the assets at $10-$12 million at auction. This is a microcosm of the shape our government is in. They're spending more than is coming in at an alarming rate and the people in control are all corrupt, Republican and Democrat alike. Then those who wish to reign in the out of control spending are vilified.

Companies in Europe can't borrow money to finance their businesses and so their economy is stagnant. There's no money to borrow because their governments are broke after out of control spending on socialist entitlements. Is this what you wish for us, too?

You said it all in the first line. I think they call in Obama derangement syndrome. Simply put I don't blame poor, working poor, elderly and kids for our problems. Find something else to blame this story is as old as the hills or Reaganomics which ever.:)
I don't blame poor, working poor, the elderly or kids, either. I blame our corrupt government.

Nearing empty, you pull up to the gas pump, after swiping the card it's refused. You go inside to find out the cards been blocked. Call the credit card company to find out it's maxed out. Your wife failed to tell you. When you get home you find out she also failed to tell you she ordered two other cards she also has maxed out. So now you try to get things in order. Go to the bank and refinance all of your debt. Mortgage, those credit cards, car loans, etc.. Are you now going to reign in spending to match your obligations? Or are you going to continue spending at the rate that got you into this financial mess?

I don't think you'd be too happy to find out what your wife's spending did to you, so how can you be happy with the financial job your government is doing?
So by your theory we should bet rid of hunting because people cheat at this also? LOL

The tea party will always loose... know why because they are a small group of small minded people who are willing to believe anything they hear.. Must be horrible to be that angry everyday and living in the best country in the world and they cant stand it?;)

All I have to say about this stupidity....


Definitely have to disagree with you on this. There are growing numbers of people, including the Tea Party, who are deeply concerned about the direction our country is going. Count me among them. They/we are not a small group and are not small-minded. This is/has been the greatest country in the world and that precisely is the point - we want to keep it that way and that is not the direction things are headed.

I don't know how much you read but this once great country is becoming a laughing stock around the world, among many reasons are the financial mess and foolishness in international relations that have been displayed. The US dollar is being de-valued to the point where other countries are not going to do business with us anymore.

Back to the original topic, the Farm Bill. It needs to be gutted and re-built and do away with the wastefulness and cheating that is costing us billions. And we're losing millions of acres of habitat because of huge loopholes that allow landowners to take advantage of government bail-outs where they shouldn't even have the opportunity to get these :mad:
Why don't the BILLIONAIRES that run the tea blossums want to make meaningful cuts to the any program that has a bunch of fat aging white men collecting from it?:D I've been listening to white serpermist radio this week. Man them guys know it all:thumbsup: