NFL Admits Blown calls in Vikings/Packer game


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NFL admits blown call in Packer-Viking game
Posted on October 25, 2010 by admin

The Minnesota Vikings were advised Monday that the NFL admitted that the TD call for Visanthe Shiancoe should not have been overturned by Referee Scott Green.

In the Minneapolis Star Tribune report, Childress also acknowledges that he wishes he would have had more time to challenge the Packers touchdown by TE Andrew Quarless. The NFL apparently told the Vikings that the TD call would have been overturned.

laugh out loud, sorry man games over, ref only has two eyes. So has the NFL ever over turned a game, on a bad call from a Ref. not an attack just saying.... :cheers:
Yeah, I thought the officiating in Green Bay was pretty bad Sunday night but all teams get bad calls and over the course of the season, it tends to even out.

laugh out loud, sorry man games over, ref only has two eyes. So has the NFL ever over turned a game, on a bad call from a Ref. not an attack just saying.... :cheers:

Sorry your right and wrong at the same time. There must be a a couple of Doz or more camera angles that could be looked at. Greenbay challenged it and they looked at the replay..are they blind?
even then, the booth review gave no indication that it should be ruled one way or another. booth review have alot of challenging powers. unlike the coach challenge, booth review can discuss matters WITH the ref. coaches cannot.
Sorry your right and wrong at the same time. There must be a a couple of Doz or more camera angles that could be looked at. Greenbay challenged it and they looked at the replay..are they blind?


I dont disagree with you at all. just saying it happens in a lot of games, and it will in,alot more there is no solution. Refs can't be in every position, to make every call. The camera shots must be unquestionable . That being said, what can you do.

Refs, Get a bad name they have to make the call, Im glad i dont, Just like a police man its a judgment call. Glad i dont have to make the call. :)
The int in the endzone by the Vikings should not have counted. Player that goes out offbounds can't touch ball first. The replay shows the viking TE not controlling the ball its moving in his hands on the way down thats what I see. To many rules and challenges just play the game we all survived before replay just fine. You guys think you can make split second calls right all the time become a ref. You ask me the viking coach is a cry baby:eek: ref proably said it to shut him up:)
Refs, Get a bad name they have to make the call, Im glad i dont, Just like a police man its a judgment call. Glad i dont have to make the call. :)

one time i heard from ESPN years ago...

so what do we do with these endangered soon to be extinct zebras?

The int in the endzone by the Vikings should not have counted. Player that goes out offbounds can't touch ball first. The replay shows the viking TE not controlling the ball its moving in his hands on the way down thats what I see. To many rules and challenges just play the game we all survived before replay just fine. You guys think you can make split second calls right all the time become a ref. You ask me the viking coach is a cry baby:eek: ref proably said it to shut him up:)

i dont think the TE didnt have FULL control of the ball til he hit the ground, that gave him the full control. youre right, the player who leaves a sideline and back into the field cannot do a tackle or touch the ball. if you go out of bound, why keep running, you know youre deemed to get a flag if you touch something once youre back in the field zone.

lots of games have way worst refs than this game. i may not agree with the refs when my team is playing but guess what. SHIT HAPPENS!!! its called entertainment. its not a life or death campain.
See Birdman even you have it wrong. I would like to know your defination of a ball under control? That was a catch when he hit the ground and rolled over with it. I'm not even a Vikings fan......Bob
There's nothing to argue about.The NFL said both calls were blown and wrong. End of story. Games over but the Pack has nothing to cheer about. They should have lost by two touch downs. When there's millions and millions of dollars in play/at stake. you think they could hire competent refs. and replay experts.

Just like the New Orleans championship game with the Vikes last year, again blown calls decided the game. You can have the best players in the world but you can't beat poor calls. You have to win the game 3 or 4 times sometimes to beat the poor reffing
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