new to site and looking for guidance ....


New member
Hey guys , new to the forum and thought I would introduce myself here. I am trying to plan up a trip with a buddy and my lab to head yalls way this fall . Coming from Texas I don't have any connections or solid info I can go on . We went to N Dakota last year on a duck / pheasant trip . We killed a few but the part of the state we were in was not good for birds . We want to do a pheasant only trip and was looking to s Dakota . We plan on hunting all public and looking to get away from a lot of the crowds. We are willing to work and scout to have a successful hunt, shooting a bird would be a bonus. I am not asking for the who , what , when or where.. not trying to get in on anyone's land or hunt . Was just wondering what the public land there is like? In N Dakota we had success the couple of times before that I have gone on public just due to no one around . I know that's probably not the case here. Is there someplace I should def avoid? thanks and appreciate any info good or bad ..
the cover varies every year, watch for the bird count survey that is listed every year on the SDGP website, although last years count was pretty inflated, it was of little help....all public gets hammered early and on most weekends, go during the week and scout as you hunt, like most people do.:thumbsup:
If you don't like crowds stay away from Pierre at least until mid November. It is a nuthouse the first 4 or 5 weeks of the season. If I were to have only one trip to SD it would be the last week in November or the first week in December. In the average year cattails are frozen and the hunters are down.
I made my first trip to SD at the very end of Dec last year. Drove up from Texas, alone and no dog, a foot or more of snow on the ground, hunted only public land, and had the time of my life. Going back on my honeymoon in November and can't wait.

As mentioned above, hunting mid-week is a good idea. I did lots of scouting online before I went, and I think that's the key. The public hunting map, harvest reports by county, etc.
Feel free to shoot me a message on here.
I made my first trip to SD at the very end of Dec last year. Drove up from Texas, alone and no dog, a foot or more of snow on the ground, hunted only public land, and had the time of my life. Going back on my honeymoon in November and can't wait.

As mentioned above, hunting mid-week is a good idea. I did lots of scouting online before I went, and I think that's the key. The public hunting map, harvest reports by county, etc.
Feel free to shoot me a message on here.

"Going back on my honeymoon", you da man!!!!
Hey guys , new to the forum and thought I would introduce myself here. I am trying to plan up a trip with a buddy and my lab to head yalls way this fall . Coming from Texas I don't have any connections or solid info I can go on . We went to N Dakota last year on a duck / pheasant trip . We killed a few but the part of the state we were in was not good for birds . We want to do a pheasant only trip and was looking to s Dakota . We plan on hunting all public and looking to get away from a lot of the crowds. We are willing to work and scout to have a successful hunt, shooting a bird would be a bonus. I am not asking for the who , what , when or where.. not trying to get in on anyone's land or hunt . Was just wondering what the public land there is like? In N Dakota we had success the couple of times before that I have gone on public just due to no one around . I know that's probably not the case here. Is there someplace I should def avoid? thanks and appreciate any info good or bad ..


Get yourself an atlas and once you figure out what part of the state you are going to hunt do the research. Depending on the time of year and hunting pressure you can find some honey holes when it comes to public land. It will take boots on the ground covering a lot of area but you should get into some birds. Good luck!
Thanks for the info . I am a member of several waterfowl forums and most new guys get hammered when it comes to asking any questions . Thanks again . when I get it nailed down to exactly when and where I will let you know . going to study on the atlas this weekend and start getting this trip set . Thanks again guys .
As a first time trip I would stay within the area between the Missouri and James river. Give or take 20 miles west or east of the two. I know guys will say there are places outside these areas, and they will be correct. As a general rule though that is where I would focus my search to. As that is generally where the higher populations of birds are.
Later in the season I would not pass up knocking on doors and asking permission. There are many folks willing to let you hunt if you are polite and take time to ask. My experience has been the further you are from town the easier it is to find permission to private land. I live in TX so I understand if this seems completely insane but SD is not TX. You can and will find great people that will let you hunt. Good luck!!
I would be interested in joining any of you looking for a road trip from Texas to S. Dakota for a pheasant hunt. I am really flexible on dates since i retired July 1. I have an 10 yr old lab that is from a pointing lab line that I would like to give a chance to hunt pheasant.

I hunted in late December one year in Colorado, and would like to try S. Dakota.

Roadscholar, how about a destination wedding? As a judge, I could perform your marriage and then we all go hunting. Just kidding, don't push your luck. Sounds like you found a good one.
Just an update . Finally nailed down my trip . we will be in the bowdle area the second week of season . gonna leave a few days early and go see the western part of the state , Mt Rushmore for sure . Take our time and be in bowdle on the 25th . hunt for 5 days and head home . looking forward to it for sure ..

Just an update . Finally nailed down my trip . we will be in the bowdle area the second week of season . gonna leave a few days early and go see the western part of the state , Mt Rushmore for sure . Take our time and be in bowdle on the 25th . hunt for 5 days and head home . looking forward to it for sure ..

Have hunted that area --for many years--don't be afraid to try south of there--good restaurant--in Bowdle in the old hospital. Say High to Carrie and Terry while there--and if you can make it down to Hoven --Boon's has great steaks--

If you see a old guy in a 1 ton burgundy ford with a attic fox camper stop and say hello. :cheers: