New to Pheasant Hunting - Looking for general info


New member
Hey Guys-

I wanted to know if anyone could point me in the right direction to get started pheasant hunting this fall. I have hunted big game and done some duck hunting but wanted to give upland birds a try this year. I live in Colorado but want to try KS out.

I would most likely be hunting by myself or with one other person without a dog.

Here are some questions I have.

- Are there any good books or other resources that I should look at to give good general info?

- What kind of habitat am I looking for?

- What kind of hunting can I expect on the walk in areas in west KS? Is hunting poor/ok/good?

- Could I expect to gain access to private if I knock on doors? 1 in 10 or 8 in 10 or somewhere in the middle?

- How helpful are the local game officers? Is it worth giving them a call or are there better sources of info?

- General advice for a new guy?

I know its a lot of questions but thanks for the help

The Colorado small game brouchure has a Pheasant hunting DVD included that will answer alot of your questions. Its a well done video and very informative.
Hey Guys-

I wanted to know if anyone could point me in the right direction to get started pheasant hunting this fall. I have hunted big game and done some duck hunting but wanted to give upland birds a try this year. I live in Colorado but want to try KS out.

I would most likely be hunting by myself or with one other person without a dog.

Here are some questions I have.

- Are there any good books or other resources that I should look at to give good general info?

- What kind of habitat am I looking for?

- What kind of hunting can I expect on the walk in areas in west KS? Is hunting poor/ok/good?

- Could I expect to gain access to private if I knock on doors? 1 in 10 or 8 in 10 or somewhere in the middle?

- How helpful are the local game officers? Is it worth giving them a call or are there better sources of info?

- General advice for a new guy?

I know its a lot of questions but thanks for the help


Old threads on this site are your best real resource IMO. The answers to the next 2 questions can be found in old threads as well.

Access to private land.....well, what kinda salesman are ya? I personally succeed in 1 of every 6 or 8 attempts at gaining permission. Too young, too pretty, I don't know what the problem is but it doesn't work as often as I'd like it to.

The local game officers can be very helpful. It's really a great place to start, but I think this forum is a better source.

Get out there and put some miles on! It's pretty simple to figure out really and no amount of advice is better than first hand experience. Get out there my friend, get out there!
I am from Louisiana. After doing as much research on the KDWF website as possible, I picked an area from the upland game report that had good rating and alot of WIHA, and started walking. 6 out of 10 were great, 2 were ok and 2 sucked. After you flush a few birds, you will get a feel for what habitat they like. If you pull up to a WIHA and it doesn't look good, go to the next one.
Game wardens... What game wardens? i have hunted in W. central 3 times. Even in a state WMA and still have yet to find one.
Trust me, just show up, the birds are there waiting for ya!
Old threads on this site are your best real resource IMO. The answers to the next 2 questions can be found in old threads as well.

Access to private land.....well, what kinda salesman are ya? I personally succeed in 1 of every 6 or 8 attempts at gaining permission. Too young, too pretty, I don't know what the problem is but it doesn't work as often as I'd like it to.

The local game officers can be very helpful. It's really a great place to start, but I think this forum is a better source.

Get out there and put some miles on! It's pretty simple to figure out really and no amount of advice is better than first hand experience. Get out there my friend, get out there!

I agree with KB. With only one other hunter and one dog,by the way what kind of dog/,you had better look for edges,grass bording grain,grass along shelter belts,small draws and corners.If you have a pointing dog,then he/she will cover some ground for you,but being a duck hunter,I bet you have a retriever.
Look back at some of the posts from KB,he has a ton of experience in hunting with smaller groups,and I have used his tactics,even with a larger groups.
Good luck,and welcome to Kansas.
- Are there any good books or other resources that I should look at to give good general info?
Read and re-read the threads on this forum.

- What kind of habitat am I looking for?
With only being yourself or one other, look for small pieces of cover. Old farmsteads surrounded by wheatfields. Waterways. Ditches. Shelterbelts. Weedy fence rows against a clean grass field. Weedy draws going through large sections of grass. Oddball places that have cover different than the surrounding cover. Cover that is close to grain fields.

- What kind of hunting can I expect on the walk in areas in west KS? Is hunting poor/ok/good?
WIHA's can be poor/ok/good. It all depends. I've been in patches that had hundreds of birds, moved a mile down the road and the cover looked the same and never saw a bird.

- Could I expect to gain access to private if I knock on doors? 1 in 10 or 8 in 10 or somewhere in the middle?
Haven't done much of this, KB gave a good answer though.

- How helpful are the local game officers? Is it worth giving them a call or are there better sources of info?
I'd guess if you called Pratt they'd just restate what is on their upland forecast on their website. I've hunted western Kansas for 18 years. Saw a game warden only one time, he flew by us on a gravel road as we stood there with guns in hand at about 70mph, guess he had somewhere to get.

- General advice for a new guy?
You can't see any birds sitting on the couch. Get a dog. I say that as my year old shorthair is asleep on my legs while watching a football game.

Good luck.
Larry Browns book on Pheasant hunting a must read, I look it over every year.

You mean this guy's book?


One guy that doesn't know about it--

Just teasing. Good recommendation!
pretty sure Larry's livin not to far from me here in WI, not much here fr phez anymore.

Heading to ND late next week looking it over now.
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Larry is in Wisconsin, but I don't know what town right off the top my head.

Good hunting in ND.

I do own one of Larry's former shotguns, a J. P. Sauer, 16 gauge SxS.
stop in at any of the local Co-Ops and ask around if any local farmers are around who might let you hunt, you will find some for sure. ask the waitress at the local restaurant, she might be able to help, rural folks are generally friendly....good luck, Kansas is a great choice for bird hunting.
I hunt this way many a times. Big CRP feild, walk cross wind until the dog picks up scent, then follow the trusty partner. Works pretty well.

If real windy, start on the upwind side working crossways, then head back to the down wind side and work the cover. Make plently of noise on the upwind side, then very quitly on the down wind side.

Good luck and let us know how you did.

Also, let everyone know when and where you are hunting, good way to pick up a partner or two.
Thanks so much for all the advice guys. The wife and I are looking at getting a dog but we rent our place right now and have to get that one ok by landlord. We were thinking about a German shorthair or wirehair. Any pros/cons to either of these two dogs?

Fenway glad to hear from someone from my home state? Say hi to good old Wisco for me. Really miss this time of year back there.

Thanks again for all the advice and if anyone is looking for a hunting partner or willing to teach a new guy I'm willing to learn.
Thanks so much for all the advice guys. The wife and I are looking at getting a dog but we rent our place right now and have to get that one ok by landlord. We were thinking about a German shorthair or wirehair. Any pros/cons to either of these two dogs?

Fenway glad to hear from someone from my home state? Say hi to good old Wisco for me. Really miss this time of year back there.

Thanks again for all the advice and if anyone is looking for a hunting partner or willing to teach a new guy I'm willing to learn.

Wirehairs are very versatile dogs. Very friendly in my experience and they're great swimmers. GSP's are great upland dogs though when matched with any breed.