New guy looking for birds


New member
Hey everybody, new guy from western North Carolina first time post.
I have recently gotten into upland hunting and was wondering if anyone out there knew of any general areas in NC to hunt pheasant, quail, etc.
Have never seen a quail or pheasant in this area, but we have some grouse, not too many but enough to keep me going after them! Any help is appreciated.
Welcome redrum, Don't know much about NC. Except I spent 10 weeks or so there in basic training at FT Bragg. Long time ago:D Don't remember seeing much for game.:)
Hey RedRum. Welcome to the boards. I only started pheasant hunting 6 years ago and I had my buddies take me out since my family doesn't hunt. I bought a 870 express and I was on my way. Good to hear you started to pheasant hunt. Never too late to start.