New Critical Habitat license Plate (Pheasant design)

I think it all goes into the same pot. The idea behind the Pheasant design was to increase the money coming in due to the popularity of Pheasant hunting.

The money is used to acquire more acreage for state run WMA's etc..

*** update

I stand corrected on the money usage. In the link above if you click on the Pheasant plate it explains where the funds go.

funds directed to prairie grassland acreage. Minnesota Prairie plan habitat acquisition. So it would seem it does go towards habitat more suitable to pheasants and other grassland wildlife.
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I traded in my deer plate for the pheasant even though it wasn't expired. Think it was $11. O course you need to put the $10 filling fee on top of that. Ten weeks until the game farm opens:cheers:
I got mine a few months ago.

Nice lookin plate if I don't say so myself !! :10sign:

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