New covey headquarters area I've been working on


New member
Thought I'd post up some pics of this latest area that I've been working on for the past month or more. This area is a low spot between my NWSG fields and some other food plot fields. This first pic was taken looking from the upper or east end towards the west and is an area that I planted some sumac in about 4 or 5 years ago. Figured I'd just add to this area.

This next pic is the same area, just looking back to the east.

I've already got several different types of shrubs growing in the area so the plan is just to add to them and get this place nice and thick.

This is about midway in the headquarters area. Not as much to work with on this end so its gonna take a lot more time and planting to get it up to shape.

Hopefully you can see some of the small seedlings that I've planted down in this area. So far about 150 or so with probably another 2-300 to come.

And finally an overview of the entire bottom area that I've been working in. The NWSG fields are to the left and the fallow plot area that I just broadcast the millet, oats, buckwheat and peas into lies in between the two.
i love the project. i am trying to do similar although we have more tillable surrounding our draws, hedgerows and meadows.

I was going to invest into a bunch of sandhill plums until I had a wildlife biologist recommend to do more feathering and kill tall timber.