Need Electronics Help for sons lab

Guys, boy and I ended up going with the SportDog 800 from Gander for $199.00.

We charged the batteries up, put the collar on her and nuked her good a couple times to let her know whos boss:D J/k.

Boy is in charge of implementation and I encouraged him to spend some time going through the DVD before doing anything.

Thanks for all your help and I will let you know how it goes.

Well, we finally got the pup out and my first time with remote. This dog works so close that I hardly had to use it but the tone feature was nice rather than calling for the dog.

There was one time when we were in truck and she would not sit done so I used a little juice and she sat down real quick. That's the only time I used stimulation.

She got hot a few times, put up half dozen birds, found 1 and retrieved a couple so pretty good stuff for being her first three days in the field.
Innotek is junk in my mind. I have had three different models in my life and none of them seem to hold up. I currently have Dogtra and am really impressed with it so far.