Need a house to rent around Gettysburg


Looking to rent a house around Gettysburg or closer to the Lake Oahu in early November for 3 to 4 days. I need just a place to stay. 4 guys and 3 well behaved dogs. All individuals are passionate experienced hunters. Looking to find a new place to stay. P.M. me if you have or know of such a place. Open to other places by the lake if available. Just starting to see what is available.

Tablerock in MN
You might check with resorts along the river; not sure they post on the internet but it's worth a try.
Bobby Lowe, I think his name is Duxdog has a great place in Gettysburg but he is usually booked in November. That is the montht that he hunts and he cooks for everybody when you stay at his place in November. He might have some other connections in the area. His place is called bird dog house. Great guy and one of the best at hunting public land.
Thanks Joel!

My available dates are posted in the "HUNTING GROUP BUILDER" section. Please take a look. Thanks!
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