I've been talking to a buddy from Holyoke throughout the summer. He said they had birds coming out of the wood work early on. However, there were areas around Holyoke hit pretty hard with hail throughout the summer. I saw pictures of corn that should have been chest high completely stripped and about shin high!
He also told me they've been doing a lot of mowing of CRP, and then inter-seeding it to rejuvenate it. As a result, many fields people are used to hunting may not be worth a darn this fall. In the long run, it will be great for populations. But for now, you may want to ensure you have adequate areas to hunt come the opener. You may be dissapointed if you don't do your research ahead of time.
Overall, I think it will still be a good year, but there may be areas with fewer birds than expected.
If anyone else has a report, I'd love to hear it.