NAVHDA Training Table

I use something similar not just for training but also for giving my britts a haircut and for examinations and when they feel frisky it becomes part of their race track
I use one all the time I use it to clip their toe nails and give them hair cuts, clean the ears and all that stuff.........Bob
Well, NAVHDA may not have invented it, but Bodo Winterhelle did and he started NAVHDA! He stumbled on it as he hurt his back and just wanted something to get the dog on so he would not have to stoop. He found out hte dogs were easier to control and more attentive on the perch.
I'm sold. Construction begins today! I guess I'll account for the pup's growth and my own height when considering the height of the table.
Mine was portable in a sense. Made with saw horses and only a couple screws, so I could take it down and move it wherever!!!!:thumbsup: