My GSP puppy

Madison COunty

New member
My GSP 6 months old likes to jump up on me all the time, when I feed him, walk in the door, all the time. Any way to stop him from jumping? I think he might be part kangaroo.:eek:
Yeah that's pretty common early on.

First thing is to not reward his behavior by giving him what he wants.. attention. This will only make him do it over and over. Turn away or make him miss as he tries to put his feet on you or just plain ignore him until he calms down. When he does, then give him attention.
I would also add than you can teach him to sit to give him something to do if he's very prone to jumping. Don't make eye contact and only give attention when he has calmed down. By doing so he will eventually learn he only gets your attention when he acts accordingly. But it will take time with some pups. :)
Use a knee to block him or bump him and knock him a little off balance, move towards him as the alpha if he jumps, don't back away, reprimand him, be consistent, that oughtta do the trick.