My GSP hard mouthing

I'm not a pro trainer, not even close! I would agree that $1400. Is way to much but if that's the only trainer around or the going rate out there it is what it is.

i think the brush idea wouldn't cure the problem, once the warm bird and feathers are in its mouth it will be right back to chewing.

Pm Gatzby, I don't know him but his posts are no nonsense and he seems very knowledgeable about dog training.

Thanks Deweybagger that's the best compliment you could pay to me!

I should add that when I say "my" drills the credit belongs to guys like Rex Carr, Tim Landecker, Mike Lardy, and Dennis Voight to name a few.
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Gatzby My gsp is E collar conditioned. My other problem is he gets greedy and doesn't give up the bird. Like I said my trainer recommended me to tell him the give command and pull on the back flank of skin and he opens his mouth. I've tried it and it's worked so far but Damn thing refuses to give it up and of course he chomps down on those little quails!
Gatzby My gsp is E collar conditioned. My other problem is he gets greedy and doesn't give up the bird. Like I said my trainer recommended me to tell him the give command and pull on the back flank of skin and he opens his mouth. I've tried it and it's worked so far but Damn thing refuses to give it up and of course he chomps down on those little quails!

Best thing that works for me with the give or drop cue is to say the cue and at the same time push the bird to the back of the dogs mouth to trigger the gag reflex. This will open the dogs mouth and after a few rep's with this drill when you give the cue the dog will open his mouth to avoid having the bird pushed to the back of their throat.
I've tried the back flank and if you have a hard headed dog it doesn't always work in real time as is needed.
Thanks for the suggestion I'll give that a try as Well. I think even though he fetches I'm going to force fetch him my self I bought the dvd seems pretty straight forward just requires a lot of patients and to go at the pace of the dog. I'll Prob do it after season is over. Thanks for all the help and suggestions.
Gatzby My gsp is E collar conditioned. My other problem is he gets greedy and doesn't give up the bird. Like I said my trainer recommended me to tell him the give command and pull on the back flank of skin and he opens his mouth. I've tried it and it's worked so far but Damn thing refuses to give it up and of course he chomps down on those little quails!

Stickiness is pretty tough to diagnose over the Internet. Does he turn his head away from you when you go to take the bird??? If so my guess is the dog doesn't respect you and wants to keep "HIS" prize. Solid up obediance, slow down on taking the bird, let him enjoy his prize. Give a firm command (what ever you say) apply pressure to lips against his teeth slowly increasing pressure tl he releases. Immediately give him another retrieve as a reward. "Rinse and Repeat". I would fix this problem in the yard then transition to the field
That's my 2 cents worth. I have very little experiance with stickiness.
thanks gatzby for advice. um he doesn't turn away from me he comes right to me but refuses to give the bird up even after i let him hold it for a bit. of course at that point he starts to hard mouth it and i have to pull that flank of skin to get him to give up the bird so to say.
Before my pup was FF'd he would retrieve anything to me and "drop" it on the ground at my feet except anything with feathers, he'd clamp down and mouth it, wouldn't let it go, you'd almost loose a finger trying to get the bird out of his mouth.
At heal On my left I'd reach across my body with my right hand across his muzzle and tuck his top lip against his top teeth, with pressure on I'd then command "drop" as I'd remove the bird with my left hand, as soon as he'd start to let go I'd release the pressure.

Now since that, he's been train by a professional and all I have to do is tap on my leg, "heal". When I'm ready to take the bird or anything he's fetched I grab the object and command "drop". If he mouths "hold" pop the bottom jaw. It's so nice not having a wrestling match, so worth the time or money.

I guess why I wrote this was he was hard to take birds from when he was very young, that's how I could get the birds from him and keep my fingers!