My dogs are famous

quail hound

If any of you are on FB go check out Pheasants Forevers page to see two of my dogs featured a "Dogs of the day". Those are two fine quailhounds.:cheers:
I'm not on Face book so I can't see your world famous Dogs.:( I'll try to take a look when the kids are around.
I know goldeneye saw it. Anyone else?
Okay, got it. I was on the wrong page (puppy contest page).

Nice picture QH.:thumbsup:

Are those wild birds your dogs helped you bag?
4 wild roosters, 2 planters and about 6 quail that day between my brother and I.
How about posting the picture HERE for us that don't do Face Bood :)
Ok. I think most of you have seen this one but for those who haven't here are two of my hounds (and me) after a successful day hunting northern Cali pheasants in the rice.

Tbear, was that you that commented on it? I thought it was eye. Zoom in on JP's (the dog in front) muzzle. That's what a dogs lip looks like after hunting the thick stuff hard everyday for 2 weeks straight.
Tbear, was that you that commented on it? I thought it was eye. Zoom in on JP's (the dog in front) muzzle. That's what a dogs lip looks like after hunting the thick stuff hard everyday for 2 weeks straight.

That was me. I here ya on the thick stuff my dogs nose is worn raw most of the season.
Well I must say :coolpics::10sign: QH. I suppose now that you famous You're going to leave us. probably joining some yuppy hunting forum:mad:
Yeah Coot my contract says I can only shoot fine English steel, wear breaks and flashes, only hunt fine estates (orvis endorsed), my dogs shall be finely groomed and trained and I can no longer associate with "ruffians". JP grabbed it out of my hand, ripped it to shreds and pissed on it before I could sigh it.:eek::D:cheers:
LOL You got to have friends in low places.:D

Seen Garth last Friday in Vegas...absolutely fantastic! Mrs. Yearwood even joined him onstage for added bonus. Sorry for the diversion here, but "friends in low places"...
Thanx for posting picture here, refuse to do facebook because you have to wade thru a lot of b s. Sorry I ever signed up, for me nothing but a waste of time.
Anyway, nice pic, Mr. Q, my dogs want your dogs pawprints.
PS What? No orange? Woundn't be caught dead in field without it(not punny). Been sprayed a time or two