My Chocolate

That may be part of your problem. Applying pressure (nic) around other dogs may cause an aggression problem. The dog associates the pain inflicted from the ecollar with the dog rather than the person or their actions. I have witnessed this firsthand. Owner applies pressure for the dog not obeying command while posturing with another dog, nic, instant attack on the other dog at the exact moment of the nic. It is a hard problem to solve once created.
That may be part of your problem. Applying pressure (nic) around other dogs may cause an aggression problem. The dog associates the pain inflicted from the ecollar with the dog rather than the person or their actions. I have witnessed this firsthand. Owner applies pressure for the dog not obeying command while posturing with another dog, nic, instant attack on the other dog at the exact moment of the nic. It is a hard problem to solve once created.

This is why I wanted to hear from the OP on exactly what he did. I'm all for using an ecollar to correct unsteadiness. But to nic a dog that is growling at, or posturing towards, another dog can be a big mistake. The dog getting nic'd may think it is somehow the other dog causing it and attack out of "self-defense," or do more of the pre-emptive aggressive behavior.

I didn't want to assume, and I was waiting for the OP to clarify, but now the the can of worms is open. That is one of those situations where the ecollar is not a good tool.