my baby girl's getting married

Well it is 2 in the morning and I can not sleep. I put the pups in the kennel at 7:30 in the AM and hopefully on the road by 10 AM. My wife ,3 suitcases and one shotgun on a trip to the other end of the state to prepare for my baby girls wedding.So much goes through a fathers mind right before the date, no I have no worries about her as she has found a GREAT guy, I could not ask more for her, but here I was laying in bed thinking about her and the times we have shared and how I miss her now that she has moved away to live 300 miles away. I haven't gotten to be with her much the last probably 12 years as her mother moved her away with her, but what do you do.Well I could not lay in bed any longer so I got up and and landed her at the typewriter talking to some ole friends. Glad you guys are there, the wedding is special for me as I will be the one performing the service, I can only HOPE and Pray that I am able to make it thought it. As for the shotgun, I am taking David,my future son-in-law his father and brother out to the trap range to shoot a few clays. Let the girls get what they need done as the guys go and bust a few.
Congrats on the wedding. The trap shooting before the wedding must be a Colorado thing. :) I was at a wedding just south of Denver on Aug. 6th. My buddy's son from Pueblo. The morning of the wedding there were about 25 of us that met at trap range and shot a couple rounds. First round I missed the first bird and then went 24 straight. Second round I missed the first two birds and then ended up with 21. 45 out of 50 is as good as it gets for this ol' boy.
Good Luck to you and your daughter:cheers:

I just got married Aug 5 we did not shoot before the wedding but my new wife did cost me a bottle of Crown and a Henry Goldenboy.
My daughter will be in 2nd grade. I'm at that point where I'm already worrying about the teenage years. She's a real good kid and I hope one day she finds that GREAT guy. I also have an 11 month old little girl. I'm sure you have heard of the song "Just Fishin' by Trace Adkins, but that song really hits you in the heart, if you know what I mean. It's about going fishing with his daughter. Congrats on the wedding of your daughter.
Well, how did it go? Got pics of you pukin' or anything?

My baby girl is 6 or 7 weeks. For now she is perfect. I also noted the "GREAT" in GREAT guy. We'll be looking for one in 25 years:rolleyes::D
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