My 2008 Deer in SD.


New member
right in the pasture of my back yard.. Scouted before the season started, saw him. after the season started.. could NOT find him no where, then 3 days before the season ending date.

Shot with a 30.06 savage rifle. 70 yard shot. 6x4 18.5 inches wide.

got alot of deer traffic around my farm area.

Date on the camera is wrong.


Where you baiting it all season with that calf bottle:D:coolpics::10sign:

GOOD EYE!!! this is my brother's work/farm truck.. so everything in the back was for haying/calving. this is our pasture truck. no way i was gonna drive my beautilful blue GMC truck out in the field. My work truck is a old 1984 F250 and its got a 460 and a loud muffler plus being manaul.. so i dont want to blow my cover by letting deer know in a mile im hunting for them.

Yah we lost two cows out of 150 that year. due to one was really OLD. and one was only 4 years old cow and had an aneurysm and after she died.. and for two cows to die in a week, we thought a bad diease was spreading and had to get a vet to check it out.

SO we had two calves without mothers and no other mother wanted to take them... it was a great year, we did NOT lose any.. howeve this year.. they will start calving in march and im worried with this weather we're having.

It was me and my brother (since he already shot his) and we were out with the doors open on the running boards watching for deer.

I saw some to the south coming out of a corn field into the pasture which was their normal route to their home and field.

to the northwest.. theres a slight hill that blocks somewhat a view.

after a few minutes, i could hear my brother whispering to me, i looked at him and points to the west, I saw the female.. i saw a young buck with a 2x2 on him.. the doe stopped and gave us the look and locked... the young buck saw me and stood there. out of no where, this huge buck (in the picture) was chomping away on grass and didnt even see or hear. I snuck out of the truck where the DOE couldnt see me but still watching my brother, theres an OLD fence with no wires is 5 yards from me and i found a wood post to lay my gun on top, once i was coming to the top of the post, the doe locked on me, Wind was blowing from the north, they couldnt smell me as they were now west of me. I lined my sight to the buck's chest, now the young buck is back to chomping grass and the DOE was still locked on me. I released the safety and as soon as the buck heard that safety click, he raised his head and i pulled the trigger, he did not have a chance. he didnt even run, he dropped down at 70 yards from me. DOE took off, the young buck was now running in circles. and as I walked to my deer.. the buck went north with the crowd there. my brother had to go around bc of loose wires...

and viola.. theres my trophy.

my friends tried to get a bigger buck than me that year, no dice. i won that round.
Cow raising like a roller coaster has its ups and downs. Me and my brother only have 55, but thats all the pastures can handle. We found out that calfing late aprils alot easier. Not as much mud and illness warmer to. Cool story about the hunt and :coolpics:
Yah ours are usually by end of april but we threw the bull in too soon and now its either early march or end of march which is the worst mistake bc march is the month of the turmoil of the winter changing to spring and usually get pounded with snow and blizzards.
Birdman, very nice buck, you have every right to be very proud of that one. I know I would be........Bob
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Is that a second main beam starting there. Sweet, always nice when a plan comes together!!!!!!:coolpics:
well apparently he had a 6x6 and broke one off, and grew into a 6x4.. If he hadnt lost his 4 point side.. id hae a nice 6x6 which is not common bc we usually get a nice 5x5 or less around here.

no way i was gonna let him go for another year. this bastard was elusive that season til 3 days before the season ended.
nice buck :thumbsup:that's what gets you out of the warm bed every morning in hopes one like that makes a mistake so you can take advantage of it thanks for the picture:coolpics: by the way what did that monster weigh?
i have to say for nov 2008, you see we hardly get snow around that time of year. this year of 2009 has really pounded us with snow.. would of made it abit tough to drive around unless we had snowmobiles or walked.
Birdman, heck of a nice buck! like the double brow.:thumbsup:
Enjoyed your story, thanks for sharing.

Hey! didn't realize there were other cowmen on here.:cool:
I got a 120 mothers and condition or feed some young stock.

We should have a ranch forum on UPH.:cheers: