
Went out about 5 this evening for my first outing with the muzzleloader this season. I picked a spot off the beaten path at some public hunting land that I frequent for bird hunting and have had some deer run ins in the past. I saw about 12 does and a nice bachelor group of 4 bucks led by a decent tall 8 pointer. The problem was I was set up about 200 yards from the action and they werent coming any closer. I attempted a low stalk for about 40 yards going from bush to bush trying to get to some cover on the edge of the small patch of milo the deer were using. I finally make it to the edge and squat down behind the small elm shrub. As I'm reaching into my camo man purse for the binos all hell breaks loose!!! Two roosters and a covey of quail are launching from from what seems like under my knees..... I nearly shat myself! I could actually feel the thrust from the wingbeats on my face.... Needless to say the deer spooked and the hunt was over, but what an evening, and what a great memory!

Where did you say you where at? Exactly.GPS coordinates would be