Muck/Rubber Boots For Upland

Are you guys pheasant hunting in standing water or something? I don't get it. Maybe walking the cattail marsh?
For me, grass is often times wet if for no other reason frost in the morning. Sometimes gotta cross creeks. Sometimes might cut through some cattails hoping to stay dry but ending up sinking into some soft stuff can ruin a hunt real quick
I have Muck uplanders. Rubber boot, slip on that fit like leather boots. Of coarse they quit making them. Go figure. But not before I bought 2 pairs. Wore first pair 4 or 5 years and they came unglued from the foot bed. But had the second pair and they are in year 3. I use my Danners as a back up. These are very comfortable as a all rubber boot. Very little, I think around 400 gram insulation. Not like all the other Mucks.
I have Muck uplanders. Rubber boot, slip on that fit like leather boots. Of coarse they quit making them. Go figure. But not before I bought 2 pairs. Wore first pair 4 or 5 years and they came unglued from the foot bed. But had the second pair and they are in year 3. I use my Danners as a back up. These are very comfortable as a all rubber boot. Very little, I think around 400 gram insulation. Not like all the other Mucks.
I have the lace up version of the uplanders. Warm and water proof. I save them for really cold, wet, muddy weather. Most of the time, I wear my all leather Irish Setter wing shooters for bird hunting. If my feet get really cold when we're hunting it's probably a sign that my dog's feet could use a break too, so we head back to the truck and warm up.
Rubber boots definitely have a place in bird hunting. Crossing water is one reason. I cross a lot of cricks and sloughs, and all kinds of wet stuff.Cattails can be very muddy!!