More pheasant fun! (pics)`


Hubby and I headed North to chase some birds again. He is off for the winter and I have been waiting for us to be able to spend sometime together hunting. We also invited a guy from Wi that bought a pup out of my male.
Thursday the birds were flighty. We really could get on them. We started at about 1pm and saw about 20 birds that day, with 5 that should have been in the bag.
Friday was simply amazing! Dont really care if anyone believes me but we easily saw 60-70 birds that day. That was just 1 field. Friday my hubby ended up with 2 in the bag that he shot and 2 in the bag that were cripples from another party.Both birds he killed were over roostrs that held tight enough for points and shots.
The cool thing bout one of the cripples was we had a triple point. My pup went on point,Max backed her and my old dog backed Max! That was worth the trip right there! We saw 9 in this field with 2 more that should have been in the bag.
Saturday we didnt see as many birds. But we were lazy and got out in the field late. So the firt place we saw 15-20 birds. I missed and easy rooster right away. Then I shot another that sailed down in some cattails. We couldnt get it marked and took the ogs over to where we thought it went. We let them search fro sometime and then called it. I was not happy. Later on I connected with another that folded. I got a decent mark on it(hard for dogs to mark them when they are in the cattails) but we were again unable to find it. I was hot at this point. We continued on and 50yards or so Max goes on point and Baja backed him. I went in to flush and it turned out to be my rooster! :)
We hit another spot on the way home. This place my husband and I doubled up on a nice rooster. Then on the way out we had a flush on the fence line and I rolled one more. So, we ended up with 5 roosters that we shot and 2 that we recovered of someone elses.
The best part is that it was spent with my best fiend and spouse and with my furry hunting buddies. Here are some pictures.

Jim's first bird of the weekend. Max and Baja.

Jim with Max, Baja and Abby. I wanted to be in the picture too and the only way to do it was with my shadow! :)

Our friend from WI with his Springer, Gus


Baja over looking the valley

My first one of the day
Its hard to see your dogs getting old and tired. Abby wising for a nap.

Max on point, Baja honoring. This was the injured bird.

Last bird pic of the day. Love my dogs! Also love my Frabil ice fishing pants. Best cold weather bird hunting pants ever!

Tired baby fell asleep in my lap.
i love youre pics beautiful dogs!!! hey if you dont mind me asking, is that a gamehide marshlord pullover you two are wearing? if so how do you like it? is it warm/windproof ect.
Yes, those are game hide. We love them for waterfowl, upland and deerhunting. They cut the wind well and are faily warm. We wear underarmor shirts and Ice Armor shirts on top of that and then then the waterfowl shirt. This is waht we wore when it was 6 degrees and the wind was whipping. It was a little chilly at first, but when you get going it is fine. Plus, then I wear y frabils bibs. These are super light. I wear ust underarmore long underwear under them. I really like that the knees are articulated, so it frees you up to high step the weeds.

I feel like I should be getting some sort of a sponsorship now!
Absolutely great pics and story. Glad you are able to spend some time out there with the dogs and your hubby.

I tried to post earlier but keep getting booted off the site in a very short time. But, I do believe your bird numbers. Nate and I got out last Thursday for a short two hour afternoon hunt. We saw at least 50+ birds in one field. We had rain, sleet, ice and snow in a short two hours. We had a treachorous ride home but a great day in the field. The birds were running like Carl Lewis but we did manage some shooting. I put one in the bag, a young bird but what a sight all those birds was for me. That, and seeing Gunner work his magic, of course.

Keep posting mstand, love seeing your hunts!
Nice looking pups and good hunters to, You and the pups.
You do a good job with the pics to.:thumbsup:
I'm going to wear the :coolpics: smiles out if you keep post all them:coolpics::coolpics::coolpics::coolpics:. Thanks for posting:coolpics:

Hello all,

Great pictures and a great time afield. I see you are getting inducted into the long spur society. I have two at 1 and 1/8 inches that are mounted and I treasure. One a Kansas bird and the other an Iowan!:) Both were hesitant to flush and I relocated and released Simba four times on the Iowan before he flew. I wildly flushed the Kansas contributor twice in two days prior to using my go-pro with a recorded "closing truck door" sound to pop him up as I waited on the other end. I consider these two the ultimate trophies in my hunting experiences. My other vision quest is to harvest an albino rooster as I have seen two in my life. One on opening day in Jewell and the other in Washington during the late 70's. Excellent pheasant hunting and quail back then in that area.

Congratulations on a great hunt with the people you enjoy being with! Well done!:)
I also hunted on Saturday in sub freezing temperatures. We were excited on such a cold day that we would be the only hunters out - that was not the case. It seems that everyone had the same idea that we did.

That being said, we hunted until noon as both my partner and me had to be home at a decent time (marching orders). We downed 1 bird and saw probably 20 more.

My GSP Sage was having a hard time getting them corralled as they were definitely running on her. We had a few good points and 1 downed bird on the day - that she had a hard time finding. I think her smeller was froze up and was having a hard time.

The area in which we hunted appeared to have been hunted on Friday so the birds that did get up were a little flighty.

All in all a good hunt - pretty good dog work for such a blustery day and of course the fun of the hunt.

Also had camera problems so no pics to show.
Thanks Kbell. As far as the spur goes, I have a longer one from last year. I was begining to think something was wrong with me for keeping it. My husband thinks so anyways as I have caught him more then once trying to get rid of it.
I will post that one later.

I'm glad you joined the site! I too enjoy your posts, pics, and reports. The reports are written just the way I like 'em:10sign:

I'm glad you joined the site! I too enjoy your posts, pics, and reports. The reports are written just the way I like 'em:10sign:

You sure know how to make a girl blush!:eek:
Nice report! Good to see Iowa still has plenty of birds. :thumbsup: